Vice president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva held meetings in UN office in Switzerland -PHOTO

Leyla Aliyeva, vice president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of IDEA Public Union met with Director of UN World Food Programme Geneva Giancarlo Cirri, the Regional Director of the UN Environment Programme's Europe Office in Geneva Arnold Kreilhuber within the framework of her working visit to Geneva, Switzerland, IDEA Public Union told APA.

In the meeting with the WFP official, IDEA and WFP discussed the joint action to eliminate hunger on Earth, which is one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, including providing food to people suffering from conflicts, natural disasters, and climate change.

Leyla Aliyeva drew attention to the examples of multifaceted cooperation of IDEA Public Union with various UN agencies in Azerbaijan and outside region, and emphasized that they are ready for a closer partnership with WFP. In this regard, she suggested the involvement of Azerbaijani volunteers in the activities of WFP in different regions of the world, taking into account that the volunteer movement in Azerbaijan has expanded in recent years and they have gained valuable experience both inside and outside the country.

In the meeting with the regional director of the UN Environment Programme, reference was made to the various projects implemented by the IDEA Public Union in Azerbaijan with this UN program, as an example of successful cooperation that includes projects involving the protection of a number of species of the living world, including initiatives to protect and restore the ecology of the Caspian Sea was named. Leyla Aliyeva especially noted that in Azerbaijan’s territories that were under occupation for nearly 30 years, forests have been cut down, water basins have been polluted, natural resources have been mercilessly exploited, and as a result, the ecology of Azerbaijan has been seriously damaged. In this regard, the importance of cooperation with the EU EP in order to restore nature and ensure sustainable development in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories was noted.

The head of IDEA PU invited the representatives of both UN Programmes to the COP29 conference to be held in Baku in November this year and pointed out that they are ready to discuss the possibilities of holding joint events within the framework of this process.

