How is Azerbaijan preparing for global decarbonization trends?

 By Asif Aydinli

Azerbaijan, a country at the crossroads of East and West, has become the focus of the global community by hosting the World Summit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in 2024. This event marks a significant step in the country's efforts to strengthen its global influence and demonstrates its readiness to lead discussions on one of the most pressing issues of our time—climate change.

Hosting such a large-scale event as the COP signifies a new era in Azerbaijan's foreign policy. It offers a unique opportunity to show the global community not only the hospitality and cultural richness of the country but also its determination in addressing global challenges. The COP28 summit in Dubai attracted 90,000 participants, and the event in Baku is expected to draw even more guests, highlighting the growing importance of international discussions on climate change.

Azerbaijan's participation on the global stage, underscored by President Ilham Aliyev's visit to the "15th Petersberg Climate Dialogue" in Berlin, reflects the country's desire to actively engage in international processes. High-level meetings, such as negotiations with Germany, show Azerbaijan's readiness to work with various countries to achieve consensus on key issues, including peaceful conflict resolution and environmental challenges management.

COP29 promises to be a platform not only for dialogue but also for showcasing Azerbaijan's practical steps in environmental policy. Declaring 2024 as the "Year of Green World Solidarity" in Azerbaijan underscores the country's ambition to actively address climate issues not only nationally but also internationally.

Azerbaijan's approach to fossil fuels and green energy also deserves attention. In a context where many countries face criticism for using fossil fuels, Azerbaijan is betting on a sensible balance between traditional energy and renewable sources. President Aliyev has made it clear that the country is following global trends towards clean energy transition, but is not prepared to do so at the expense of national interests. He emphasized the need to avoid creating myths about oil- and gas-rich countries as the main culprits of climate issues. Instead, he called on the global community to recognize Azerbaijan's efforts in investing in green energy and sustainable development.

Azerbaijan is actively working to expand its renewable energy capabilities. The country has already implemented several significant projects and plans to increase its capacity in this direction. These steps not only contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels but also help strengthen energy security on an international level.

Azerbaijan demonstrates that it is ready not only to follow global trends but also to actively participate in international initiatives such as COP29. This event will serve as a platform to showcase the country's progress in climate policy and sustainable development, as well as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with other nations.

Azerbaijan is actively involved in developing and implementing significant projects in renewable energy, which has become a cornerstone of its national sustainable development strategy. The launch of the Garadagh Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 230 MW and the largest in the South Caucasus, highlights the country's ambitions to increase the share of green energy. This plant can power 110,000 residential homes, marking an important step towards energy independence and environmental security.

In addition to the Garadagh station, Azerbaijan, in partnership with Masdar, has signed agreements to build additional solar and wind power stations with a total capacity of 1000 MW. These projects are part of a broader strategy for the development of renewable energy sources, within which the country plans to implement mega-projects with a total capacity of up to 4 GW.

ACWA Power has made a significant contribution to the expansion of renewable energy in Azerbaijan, planning to launch the "Khizi-Absheron" wind farm with a capacity of 240 MW by 2025. These measures underscore Azerbaijan's commitment to diversifying its energy sources and reducing reliance on traditional hydrocarbons.

International cooperation, including partnerships with the International Finance Corporation and leading global companies, allows Azerbaijan to integrate into the global green energy community. This collaboration accelerates the transformation of the country's energy sector and strengthens its role in addressing global climate challenges.

At the upcoming COP30 summit in Brazil in 2025, Azerbaijan, along with the UAE and Brazil, will strive to conclude an international agreement aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This partnership reflects the country's commitment to combating climate change and its role in strengthening global solidarity in this area.

Azerbaijan not only follows global trends in green energy but also actively participates in shaping the global approach to combating climate change. Baku demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development not only in words but also in deeds. Across the country, new projects in renewable energy sources are being launched, helping to reduce environmental impact and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. These steps are also aimed at improving the quality of life for citizens and ensuring their access to clean and affordable energy.

Considering global goals and national interests, Azerbaijan is actively working to become a model of successful integration of green technologies into traditional energy. The state is investing in large-scale projects, such as the construction of wind and solar power stations, which are expected to significantly increase the share of renewable energy in its energy balance.

These efforts are reinforced by international collaborations and agreements, such as the pact with the UAE and Brazil, which demonstrate Azerbaijan's willingness to work collaboratively with other nations to achieve global climate goals. This partnership illustrates the country's ambition to set new standards in energy and environmental policies, as well as to strengthen international solidarity in combating climate change.

Azerbaijan thus becomes an important player on the international stage, showing that even countries with rich fossil fuel reserves can actively contribute to global sustainable development and the transition to green energy. This confirms that sustainable development is achievable anywhere in the world, regardless of a country's economic profile.

At the international forum "COP29 and the Green Vision for Azerbaijan," held at ADA University, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev emphasized the environmental responsibility of the leading energy companies operating in the country. He highlighted the high environmental standards maintained on drilling platforms and during the construction of oil and gas pipelines.

The president expressed concerns about inconsistencies in European policy, pointing to the restrictions imposed on fossil fuels while the European Union seeks to increase gas supplies from Azerbaijan. He noted that, despite promises, European financial institutions are reducing funding for fossil fuel projects, complicating the achievement of set goals.

The head of state also addressed the inevitability of prolonged use of fossil fuels and the world's unreadiness for a swift transition to alternative energy sources. He focused on the importance of diversifying Azerbaijan's economy and the country's efforts towards decarbonization, emphasizing that these efforts align with both global trends and national interests.

In the context of global climate goals, Azerbaijan, like many countries, plans to achieve complete decarbonization by 2060. This requires substantial investments, as confirmed by the World Bank Group, which points out the need to adapt to these changes to maintain economic stability and resilience.

Azerbaijan recognizes the serious risks and economic challenges associated with moving away from fossil fuels. The country emphasizes a gradual transition to green energy, while trying not to harm the economy and ensuring stability amidst global energy and environmental challenges.


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