Sanctions are Western revenge policy on out-of-reach countries

The European Union considers Georgia's "Transparency of Foreign Influence" draft law a threat.

Note that in the project criticised by the opponents as a "Russian-style law" in Georgia, institutions receiving more than 20 percent of their funds from abroad are supposed to be registered as "agents of foreign influence". The Georgian government maintains that this law is necessary to bring transparency to the financing of NGOs and protect the country from foreign influences.

The Kremlin, in turn, claimed that foreign countries are trying to interfere in Georgia's internal affairs. It seems that Moscow's views on this matter reflect the truth. Because before the decision was made, Europe and the United States were sending warning signals to Georgia.

Peter Stano, lead spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, stressed that the law on "foreign agents" will harm Georgia's relations with the West in a briefing held in Brussels.

After the ruling party approved the bill, the White House sent threatening messages to Tbilisi. James O'Brien, the US State Department sanctions coordinator, said at a press conference in Tbilisi that if the "Transparency of Foreign Influence" bill passed by the Georgian parliament does not change, and the US may impose sanctions on Georgian officials.

It is interesting that such threatening speeches have become customary for James O'Brien. Because he always managed to get attention with baseless and biased statements against Azerbaijan too.

Remember that last year, the Washington Congress decided to increase support for Armenia under the pretext that "Azerbaijan poses a threat to Armenia". The goal here was to fray the ties between Armenia and Russia and achieve Armenia's exit from the CSTO. Thus, supposedly, Armenia would be the eyes of the USA and France in the South Caucasus under the direct protection of the West.

But the result was not as expected. Official Baku refused Washington's mediation after these biased steps, and the meeting proposed to be held at the level of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on November 20 of the same year was postponed.

Currently, peace negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia are ongoing. Despite all the efforts of the West and the United States, Azerbaijan regained the sovereignty of its own lands. After the local anti-terror measures in 2023, the separatist forces in Garabagh were neutralised successfully.

After the meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Almaty on May 10, it was confirmed that the signing of the peace treaty between the two countries is in the near future.

This is proof that the West cannot implement its plans in the South Caucasus with the help of Armenia. Undoubtedly, the United States and the European Union may try to threaten Georgia and even overshadow its candidacy status for the Union in order to suppress Russia in the region.

It is worth noting that Georgia first applied to become a candidate for the EU in 2022. The Union granted candidate status to Georgia in December 2023. However, the institution's ultimatums to Georgia regarding the new law reflect that the membership process may be put at risk.

The population opposing the new law in Georgia has been continuing the domestic unrest for a month. Yesterday, it was reported that protesters gathered in front of the parliament building and clashed with the police.

However, the ruling party in Georgia does not pay attention to the threats of sanctions by the West, calling them frivolous talks; they speak decisively in the press.
The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, stressed that foreign forces cannot prevent Georgia from defending its national interests.

The minister also called on protesters opposing the Transparency of Foreign Influence Bill to refrain from breaking the law, while calling on law enforcement agencies to respond with maximum restraint to any violent action by protesters.

Let us not forget that the West tried to take root in the South Caucasus region for centuries, and although it succeeded to some extent, it could not break the determination of the people here.

The current riots and threats are the resetting rotation of the West, which cannot take its share of the Garabagh issue. The sanctions that are claimed to be implemented are, without a doubt, the West's revenge policy against countries that it has not been able to influence enough.


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