Turkey to integrate into EU despite plans to join BRICS – expert

News.Az presents Interview with Oguzhan Akyener, Chairman of the Turkish Energy Strategies & Politics Research Center (TESPAM).

- What are the main reasons driving Turkey to consider joining BRICS instead of continuing integration with the European Union?

- In reality, public opinion in Turkey continues to support integration with the European Union. For many years, research and efforts have been made to join the EU. Even in the 1990s, when the European Union was primarily an economic organization, Turkey attempted to join it. Later, the membership negotiation process began. At that time, many EU-related offices and entities were established in Turkey, but Turkey realized it was stuck in a deadlock. At a time when Turkey's membership stalled, countries that applied much later were accepted into the EU.

A situation arose where both sides played their roles. The EU might have been concerned about Turkey's population and the large number of refugees in the country. But in reality, there is an identity factor in the background. Western civilization has always seen Turkish-Islamic civilization as a threat. This is the main reason. Despite this, Turkey will continue to integrate with the EU by adopting some of its legislation and integration processes. It knows that it will improve its exports, even if it doesn't become a full member of the EU. Turkey is already a member of the Customs Union and is adjusting its exports.

BRICS is not a competitor to the EU. On the other hand, it is an entity created by Eastern countries. For example, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is considered a competitor in this sense but is not actually one. Communities created by Eastern countries cannot carry out substantial work. Their legislation and other mechanisms do not operate in a format that competes with the EU. Thus, BRICS is not a competitor to the EU.

On the other hand, even if Turkey joins the EU in 20 or 30 years, it can still remain in BRICS. An EU member can also be a BRICS member. For example, Hungary, an EU member, has observer status in the Organization of Turkic States. This could also be full membership. Additionally, Turkey can create a more effective trading mechanism than the EU. Hungary can remain an EU member. This should not be seen as completely opposite poles.

- How can Turkey's potential accession to BRICS affect its economic and political relations with the current EU members?

- It will not have a significant impact. Turkey strives to export more to the EU. Even if the EU does not import from Turkey, it can import from other sources. This will not significantly affect the EU. But Turkey always wants to export more to the EU, as it is an important trading partner. On the other hand, the EU does not want Turkey to become a source of major problems and threats. Turkey has accepted many refugees from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. If Turkey directed all these refugees to the EU, Europe would not be able to handle this process. Thus, Turkey's accession to BRICS will not significantly affect the EU's trade balance. Turkey remains a country striving for exports, even if it joins BRICS.

- What advantages can Turkey gain from BRICS membership that it could not obtain through cooperation with the EU?

- We already have trade with Russia. We import a lot from China. The main goal of Turkey is exports. This will certainly bring benefits. Some goods and sectors will definitely benefit, such as more economical raw materials and technological products. However, when it comes to our export goals, Europe remains our primary market. This may be a new market, but it will not change the balance significantly. BRICS cannot provide us with the same export opportunities as the EU.

- What reactions and comments have come from BRICS member countries in response to Turkey's statement of desire to join this association?

- I think all reactions will be positive. Turkey is a country with a strong geostrategic position, a bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations. All BRICS countries will be happy to see Turkey in their ranks. Additionally, Turkey is significant in the context of Middle Eastern policies and the Turkish-Islamic world. Especially China and Russia will be pleased with this. Our joining BRICS should not be understood as abandoning our desire to join the EU.

- What steps must Turkey take to meet the requirements and standards of BRICS for successful membership of the organization?

- In the context of BRICS, there are certain standards and procedures, such as legislation and customs processes. However, since Turkey has already structured itself in many sectors related to integration with the EU, I believe Turkey's standards are higher than those of BRICS countries. Turkey has higher standardization capabilities. We have taken many steps to join the EU, and these steps have already brought us to this level. I think that developing economic cooperation among Turkic states would be a more reasonable goal, but we must continue to strengthen our trade ties with Europe. A "retreat" policy makes no sense. This is not realistic for the EU. They will not accept us into the EU, and we know we will not join. Let's make more use of EU resources and continue to work with them. Turkey should remain a central country and accept itself as such. 100 or 200 years ago, half of Europe was already ours. We should not lose confidence in ourselves.


