Vice President: I think Türkiye-Azerbaijan cooperation will be an example for Turkic world countries as well

"I think that cooperation between Türkiye and Azerbaijan will be an example for our region and the countries of the Turkic world," Vice President of Türkiye Cevdet Yilmaz said as he delivered a speech at the Türkiye-Azerbaijan business forum, APA reports.

He noted that he believes that regional prosperity will increase with the establishment of peace and normalization especially in the South Caucasus, and that all countries will benefit from it: ""I believe that the Turkish private sector will play a very important role in the reconstruction and restoration of the liberated territories."

He noted that there are 6,000 registered Turkish companies in Azerbaijan, and the number of active ones is more than 4,000: "We want this number to increase. There are 3,000 companies from Azerbaijan that come to Türkiye and invest. The contracting sector also plays a key role in our relations with Azerbaijan. Our contractors have undertaken 526 projects worth 19.3 billion dollars to date, including the territories liberated from occupation."

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