Ministry of Transport checks boats and scooters on Lake Issyk-Kul

AKIPRESS.COM - Employees of the Road Transport Safety Department, Issyk-Kul Department of Land and Water Transport under the Ministry of Transport and the tourism and environmental police are checking the owners of boats and scooters on Lake Issyk-Kul.
The checks are carried out to improve water transport safety and reduce the number of accidents, the Ministry of Transport notes.
Inspectors issued 12 ship tickets (the document confirming ownership of the vessel), drew up 4 protocols for violating the rules of navigation on water bodies, and fined a parking lot with 3 scooters and 1 boat.
Employees of the Issyk-Kul Department of Land and Water Transport also conduct advanced training for ship drivers. 170 people were trained, and 86 certificates for the right to operate small boats were issued.

