Georgia legislature starting discussions of bill curtailing LGBT community rights

The Parliament of Georgia is starting the committee debates on the package of bills on LGBT propaganda, reports SOVA.
The matter will be discussed Thursday in the joint meeting of the parliamentary committee on legal issues and four other committees.
Meanwhile, the Georgian opposition calls this bill the second "Russian law." Opposition MP Roman Gotsiridze said: "It is directly taken from [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's election program. They are going to introduce exactly such changes that Putin introduced in various laws. Basically, the [ruling] Georgian Dream [party] repeats Putin's propaganda line, including in the form of a ‘Russian agency law.’
It serves to play with the feelings of the population before the elections, to invent non-existent problems, and to hide the most acute—including economic—problems. They want people to shift their attention to matters that are not a problem in any way.
Don't fall for that propaganda trick! We will not help the Georgian Dream, which stands in Putin's way to spread that propaganda law," said Gotsiridze.

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