British politician hails measures implemented during Azerbaijan's chairmanship of NAM

“Azerbaijan`s chairmanship in NAM has created excellent opportunities for the voices of small countries to be heard,” said Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, during her meeting with Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis, in Baku.

During the meeting, Sahiba Gafarova highlighted Azerbaijan’s strong bilateral relations with the Commonwealth member countries, noting that a majority of these countries are also members of the Non-Aligned Movement. The speaker underlined that the measures carried out by the Non-Aligned Movement on the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan have contributed to further increasing the organization`s authority and enhancing cooperation among member states.

Patricia Scotland hailed the measures implemented during Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the NAM. The meeting also included discussions around COP29.

Congratulating Azerbaijan on hosting this event, the Secretary-General expressed her confidence that the event would be excellently organized.

The sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.


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