Azerbaijan can invite Armenian PM to Baku, says Chairman of parliamentary committee

"On April 24 of 2024, Joseph Biden's failure to use the word "artsakh" and "zero reaction" to the allegation of "ethnic cleansing" in Khankandi turns the "document" into an "Armenian act" without any legal basis. Look at the hypocrisy that after Bob Menendez's corruption was exposed, they accused Congressman Henry Cuellar of taking bribes from Azerbaijan and lynched the friends of Azerbaijan," Chairman of the Milli Majlis Human Rights Committee Zahid Oruj said at today's session, APA reports.

Therefore, Azerbaijan's response to the sanctions is to strengthen the Great Return, advance its delimitation step by step, win peace in the region, strengthen the military-political alliance with brother Türkiye, avoid confrontation with the regional states, and finally put the congressmen who support the occupation of Azerbaijan's lands, Secretary of State James Baker, Fogh Rasmussen, who came to Goyca Mountains on the "black list" of world peace and show them as the enemies of the peace. That is, Pashinyan can be invited to Baku, but the path of the defeated, our political enemies and sanctioners to Azerbaijan should be closed once and for all.

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