ECO Secretary General: We will conduct trainings in member states to increase tourism potential

“In 2024, we will work towards the diversification of tourism activities, as well as increasing the potential through the exchange of experience and training in the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO),” said Secretary General of the ECO Khusrav Noziri in his statement to journalists, APA-Economics reports.

He said that the main objectives for the development of tourism among ECO member states include the encouragement of regional directions: “ECO aims to stimulate economic activity in member states via various sectors such as transport, trade, agriculture, energy and tourism. We have great tourism potential thanks to the rich cultural and natural resources of the region, including the ancient Silk Road. ECO’s vision for 2025 emphasizes the importance of the tourism sector and aims to harness its economic benefits by strengthening the potential and cooperation of member countries.”

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