Hungary blocks EU’s support project for Armenia - media

Hungary is blocking the European Union Peace Fund's support project for Armenia, around which the alliance has reached a preliminary agreement.

Diplomatic sources of Radio Liberty say that Hungary is demanding that Azerbaijan also be included in the programme, which, according to the same source, is seen as a way out of the impasse, News.Az reports citing Caliber.az.

In mid-April, Svoboda learned that a preliminary agreement had been reached in Brussels on the provision of 10 million euros in aid to Armenia from the European Union peace fund. According to diplomatic documents, this money should be used to establish a field modular camp for one battalion, which should include one ambulatory centre for medical assistance, as well as relevant services and facilities.

"The purpose of this support is to help Armenia's armed forces improve their resilience and capacity to establish stability and thus better protect civilians during crises and emergencies," says the document, whose adoption has been blocked by Hungary for weeks.


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