Azerbaijan parliament again slams France, President Macron

Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (parliament) is again dissatisfied with France and its president, Emmanuel Macron.
At Tuesday's session of the Milli Majlis, MP Tural Ganjaliyev stated that “France continues its aggressive policy to the South Caucasus,” APA reports.
The lawmaker noted that “France's arming of Armenia with deadly weapons poses a serious threat.”
"We have established peace in the South Caucasus. It is vital for us that the South Caucasus does not become a battlefield. Unfortunately, today Macron, who considers himself Napoleon, wants to conduct new "Macron wars" and wants to do it in the South Caucasus as well. This action of Macron and France is not only against Azerbaijan, but against international peace. France must prevent human rights violations in the countries it keeps under occupation," said the Azerbaijani MP.

