EU ambassador comments on Hungary's blocking of EUR 10 mln aid to Armenia

Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Azerbaijan, Ambassador Peter Michalko commented on the news that Hungary has blocked 10 million euro aid from the European Peace Facility to Armenia because of Azerbaijan, APA reports.

The diplomat said that the EU is actively developing relations with the countries of the South Caucasus in different fields.

He recalled that the European Commission allocates financial aid to partners in the South Caucasus region: "The Business and Investment Plan for the countries of the region has been presented. We have cooperation priorities in connection with the transition to "green energy", connectivity, and support for entrepreneurs. As we collaborate with Azerbaijan, we also cooperate with other countries. We want to see the South Caucasus where there is peace and prosperity."

The ambassador underscored that the EU-USA-Armenia meeting in Brussels on April 5 was of a purely economic nature: "It serves stabilization and Azerbaijan was informed about it. There is a certain mechanism and procedure for making any decisions made within the framework of the EU.

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