It will not be easy to find Natig Gasimov's remains - State Commission

“The fate of Natig Gasimov is already clear to the public. A film was shot and broadcast about him by foreign journalists. Former military personnel who participated in the battles directly on the side of Armenia also spoke in the film, ”Ismayil Akhundov, secretary of the State Commission on Prisoners and Missing and Hostaged Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head of the Working Group, told APA in an extensive interview.

He emphasized how he was captured, what kind of torture he was subjected to and his subsequent fate were reflected in the film: "The Armenian soldier speaking in that film admits that he was killed with severe torture.

Natig Gasimov was killed by the order of Vitaly Balasanyan, who was a field commander at that time and later "promoted" to the rank of general of the Armenian army. Although in the film he unsuccessfully tries to deny it. However, it is fully confirmed that Natig Gasimov's capture and interrogation were implemented under the leadership of Vitaly Balasanyan.

“So, Vitali Balasnyan personally participated in the process of interrogating Natiq Qasimov and personally gave the order for his execution. Since these processes took place in the current territory of the Khojaly district, his body may also be in that area. However, considering the torture he endured and the atrocities committed against him, finding his remains will not be easy. We must consider this reality. Despite all this, the State Commission will continue searching for Natiq Qasimov and all other missing persons until the end. This is an important task set by the President before the State Commission. The President has instructed that the Commission will continue its activities until the request for the last missing person is determined. Our goal is to determine the request of all our citizens who have gone missing, and we will continue our work in this direction,” Mr. Akhundov said.

