One-sided steps can lead to creation of new conflict hotbeds in region, says political scientist

One-sided steps, which do not serve peace in the region, can lead to the creation of new conflict hotbeds, Matin Mammadli, an Azerbaijani political scientist, told News.Az.

He was commenting on a joint EU-Armenia-US conference expected to be organized on April 5 in Brussels. The conference is planned to be held between the Armenian Prime Minister, US Secretary of State, and European Commission President, with the plans of signing a document on security guarantees for Armenia.  

Mammadli stressed that holding such a conference will negatively affect the already fragile developments in the region. “Azerbaijan and Armenia have not yet signed a peace treaty, and lasting peace has not been ensured in the region. Moreover, Armenia keeps making territorial claims to Azerbaijan, and revanchist forces still exist in Armenia. Against the backdrop of all this, such actions, double-standard stances, and biased statements by some European countries against Azerbaijan further aggravate the situation in the region,” he said.

According to the political scientist, such one-sided and biased actions can lead to a new political escalation in the region, especially between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“I believe that Europe and the West should take this factor into account,” Mammadli added.


