Azerbaijan may imprison perpetrators who deliberately and seriously harm ecosystem up to 15 years

Deliberate actions that cause large-scale, long-term and serious damage to the ecological system may be punished by imprisonment for 10 to 15 years in Azerbaijan, this was reflected in the new article 104-1 (Ecocide) proposed to the Criminal Code, which was discussed at today's session of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament), APA reports.

According to the draft law, mass destruction of flora or fauna, poisoning of the atmosphere, soil or water resources, or intentional commission of other actions that harm the environment, if these actions cause an environmental disaster or create a real threat of an environmental disaster, they shall be punished by imprisonment for ten to fifteen years.

It was noted that this draft Law is presented by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a legislative initiative.

The draft law envisages making relevant amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to strengthen the protection of the ecosystem and increase the efficiency of the tackle against environmental crime.

According to the draft law, it was proposed to add the concept of "Ecocide" to the Criminal Code and to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice within the framework of the law. This amendment envisages the punishment of 10 to 15 years of imprisonment for intentional large-scale, long-term and serious damage to the ecosystem.

The proposed amendment aims to criminalize the crime of "ecocide" in accordance with international law, as well as to ensure the proper legal assessment of environmental crimes committed on the territory of the country and the improvement of the legal framework for the sustainable protection of the ecosystem.

The draft law was put to a vote and adopted in the third reading.

