The Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of Turkmenistan’s international obligations in the field of human rights and International Humanitarian Law held a joint meeting with representatives of the UN, EU, OSCE

On 29 July 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a joint meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of Turkmenistan’s international obligations in the field of human rights and international Humanitarian Law and representatives of the UN Country team, EU, and OSCE. It was attended by representatives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries, departments and public organizations, as well as representatives of international organizations.In accordance with the agenda, the outcomes of the work done by the Interdepartmental Commission for the six months of 2024 were reviewed, and further steps were outlined to implement national human rights plans.The participants also discussed priority areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and international structures. In this context, representatives of international organizations stressed that each of the areas of cooperation is reflected in the relevant joint plans and projects on which practical work is being carried out.The speakers focused on the importance of the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committees in ensuring the rights and interests of citizens.The meeting covered a broad range of human rights issues and explored opportunities for enhanced collaboration with international organizations. Participants highlighted the significance of regular training and consultations to build capacity in human rights protection aligned with UN standards.The Interdepartmental Commission and international partners reaffirmed their commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, upholding human rights, and advancing socioeconomic development.///MFA Turkmenistan Related posts:

