Turkmen Scientists Develop New Wormwood-Based Ointment

Researchers at the International Scientific and Technological Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have formulated a novel one-percent ointment using essential oil extracted from Turkmen wormwood, a native medicinal plant. This breakthrough was reported in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.The ointment, developed by the Doctor of Chemical Sciences Durdymyrat Gadamov, Candidate of Biological Sciences Allamyrat Akmyradov and graduate student Berdi Berdyev, has been granted a limited patent from the State Service for Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.Native to the vast Central Kopetdag region, Turkmen wormwood is rich in medicinal compounds.The new ointment offers effective pain relief and reduces inflammation in muscles and joints. Its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties make it suitable for treating skin infections. Additionally, the ointment promotes blood circulation and accelerates wound healing.What sets this ointment apart is its unique production process, which involves a multi-step extraction of essential oil from the wormwood plant.The final product is obtained through steam distillation, separating the oil’s components using superheated steam. This pure wormwood oil forms the core of the ointment’s healing properties.Mankind has been using wormwood for medical purposes for thousands of years. Of the 32 species of wormwood found on the territory of Turkmenistan, 17 grow in the mountains and foothills of Kopetdag and four of them are endemic, they are not found anywhere else.///nCa, 29 Jul 2024   Related posts:

