Russia Prepares Course for Central Asian Migrants on How to Assimilate

Russia has developed a course on how to adapt to the country for labor migrants from Central Asia. According to Igor Barinov, head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities of the Russian Federation, the course covers several topics. “This is primarily migration labor legislation, including the procedure for registration and filling out the relevant documents, as well as norms of behavior in Russian society,” he stated.
Kommersant notes that the course is comprised of lectures which lasts 70 minutes and is divided into four parts: “Fundamentals of Migration and Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation,” “Fundamentals of Informal Behavior in Russia,” “Responsibility for Non-compliance with Russian Legislation,” and “History of Relations between Russia and Central Asian Countries.” Cultural nuances discussed in the course include that addressing someone as “‘brother’ or ‘sister’ [is] not appropriate for communication with people who are not your relatives or close acquaintances”; “You should not discuss passers-by in your native language or whisper in your native language in the presence of other people”; “Women in Russia traditionally wear bright and revealing clothes, this is not reprehensible and corresponds to norms in Russia. These outfits are also not invitations for advances or a signal of readiness for dating”; “One should not make noises, whistle, or tsk, trying to attract the attention of a woman or man you like”; “In Russia, it is not customary to demonstrate an attitude towards any religion in public, perform religious rituals on the street, conduct namaz in public places, recite prayers, etc. Animal sacrifices are also unacceptable”.
It is reported that the main objective of the lectures is to reduce tension in the migration environment as well as increase the legal literacy of migrants so people know what can be done, what cannot be done, and what will result in punishment. Barinov stated that the “doors are open” for those who come to the Russian Federation to work as long as they comply with Russian legislation and integrate into the Russian legal system and cultural environment, adding that he believes this course will help facilitate the adaptation process.

