China and Azerbaijan: New horizons of strategic partnership

Editor's note: Seymur Mammadov, a special commentator for News.Az.

On July 5th, a significant historical event occurred. The Republic of Azerbaijan and the People's Republic of China signed a Declaration on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership. Previously, China had established similar partnerships with several post-Soviet countries through analogous documents.

These declarations have been updated multiple times in response to regional changes and current needs. Beijing pays special attention to its closest neighbors due to their involvement in large-scale economic and geo-strategic plans. China always advocates for mutually beneficial cooperation, striving not only for its own benefit but also creating conditions for its partners to gain dividends. This unique feature of China's foreign policy strategy distinguishes it from other world powers.

The strategic partnership between Central Asian countries and China is based on several principles: the inviolability of borders, territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, honest cooperation, and peace. These same principles were included in the Joint Statement on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between China and Georgia, signed in July 2023 during the Georgian Prime Minister's visit to China. The parties supported each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, expressed their readiness to increase bilateral trade and mutual investments, and declared support for common human values—peace, development, cooperation, and justice. They also committed to respecting the independent choice of all peoples in determining a development path corresponding to their national capabilities and promoting the creation of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The document signed with Georgia is historic not only for the Georgian side but for the entire South Caucasus. China openly declared its strategic interests in this region for the first time. However, these interests could not have developed without the formalization of relations with Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan, as the leader of the South Caucasus with the strongest economy in the region, is an important partner for China. The mutual need of the two countries is evident, as they play key roles in global logistics. The success of the Middle Corridor and the Chinese "One Belt, One Road" project depends on their capabilities and readiness to cooperate. The Joint Declaration on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership signed on July 5 in Astana was an important step towards strengthening regional cooperation. This document has greater depth and significance compared to other similar documents.

According to the document, the parties consider each other as priority and reliable partners, independently determining the policy of bilateral relations, regardless of external factors. Despite pressure from the USA and Europe aimed at forcing Baku to abandon cooperation with China and Russia, this declaration confirms Azerbaijan's and China's determination to continue their partnership.

China's increased activity in this region benefits the countries located along the Middle Corridor route. China, being one of the world's largest economies, accounts for more than 18% of global GDP. Despite the political reasons for reduced trade volumes with Europe, China remains one of the EU’s largest trading partners. Azerbaijan, in turn, continues to create conditions to ensure the profitability and efficiency of trade routes passing through its territory.

One of the most important aspects reflected in the Declaration is the issue of territorial integrity. Both sides confirmed their commitment to the principles of mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. Azerbaijan firmly supports the "One China" principle, opposes any form of "Taiwan independence," and supports the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. Beijing, in turn, firmly supports Azerbaijan's peaceful agenda and considers geopolitical intrigues aimed at maintaining confrontation counterproductive.

The issue of territorial integrity is extremely relevant for both countries. Azerbaijan experienced thirty years of Armenian occupation, and some still question its territorial integrity despite the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. China also continues to uphold the "One China" principle, recognized at the UN level and even by the United States, which, however, supports Taiwanese separatism.

Equally relevant for our countries are the issues of combating terrorism and extremism. The Declaration emphasizes the parties' readiness to maintain close contacts and coordination on key national, regional, and global security issues, build trust, and prevent the use of their territories for actions against each other. The document provides for cooperation at the level of political leadership, legislative bodies, and society. China’s support in international organizations is of great importance to Azerbaijan, given that China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and an influential power with significant leverage in the global economy. At the same time, China, unlike other powers, does not exploit its influence, approaching all issues from the perspective of the common good.

According to the Declaration, the countries will intensify trade and economic cooperation, cooperation in the field of green energy, and logistical corridors. On the day of the SCO summit opening, it became known that "Chinese Railways" launched a new train route from Xi'an to Baku. The trains will run once a week, passing through the Khorgos border point, Kazakhstan, and the Caspian Sea within 12 days. The first train departed on July 1. The new route is intended to promote trade and economic cooperation along the China-Europe freight train network and the development of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative.

Recently, Azerbaijan and China signed a memorandum promoting the growth of cargo traffic along the Middle Corridor. The document was signed between CJSC "Azerbaijan Railways" and the leadership of Jiangsu Province. Azerbaijan Railways also plans to open a representative office in China and acquire or build a terminal in China. Azerbaijan considers the Chinese market a priority, given its scale, structure, rules and system, as well as international influence and attractiveness.

By signing the Declaration, Azerbaijan and China committed to using the cooperation mechanism for industrialization and investment, increasing contacts regarding vision, planning, and policy, promoting the activities of companies from both countries, and actively advancing cooperation in priority areas. They intend to deepen cooperation within the "One Belt, One Road" project and accelerate the process of signing the Agreement on the Development of International Multimodal Transport. The parties will also support each other’s efforts to ensure the safety and smooth operation of international transport corridors and create favorable conditions for transit shipments.

China expressed its readiness to actively participate in the construction and operation of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TMTM), strengthening its positions both in terms of investment and trade efficiency. China's participation in any trade route between the West and the East guarantees its profitability.

In international politics, Baku and Beijing’s interests also converge. The President of Azerbaijan has repeatedly emphasized the importance of supporting developing and small island states, which is reflected in the Joint Declaration. Azerbaijan and China declared cooperation in protecting the interests of developing countries and countering interference in the internal affairs of states under the pretext of protecting human rights. They will promote the development of global human rights mechanisms in a more equal, just, and tolerant direction.

These aspects are extremely important for both countries, given the constant pressure from ill-wishers using the human rights issue as a tool against undesirable countries. The Declaration signed in Astana has finally outlined the contours of the Eurasian transport and logistics corridor, confirming that Baku and Beijing have taken full control of the situation, excluding the intervention of external forces.

(If you possess specialized knowledge and wish to contribute, please reach out to us at [email protected]).


