EU Ambassador: More than 100 journalists killed worldwide in 2023, marking the highest number in the past decade

Freedom of the press is the fundamental element of democracy, said the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Azerbaijan, Ambassador Peter Michalko during a meeting with journalists on the occasion of May 3 - World Press Freedom Day, APA reports.

The diplomat emphasized the necessity of protecting the rights of media personnel, and ensuring their free and independent activity: "Journalists face risky environment. The role of journalists and press freedom is irreplaceable in any global community. Last year, more than 100 journalists were killed worldwide, marking the highest number in the past decade. The journalism profession has increasingly become one of the most dangerous professions. More than 300 journalists are currently imprisoned, simply for carrying out their work."

The ambassador noted that the freedom of the press is at the core of the cooperation of the EU with various countries: "The rule of law and respect for democracy are the fundamental elements in our partnership both with Azerbaijan and other countries. We want our partners to adhere to these principles with respect as well."

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