Azerbaijan's CEC concludes parliamentary elections -UPDATED

The Central Election Commission (CEC) made a decision to approve the protocol on the general results of the voting in connection with the elections to the 7th convocation of the Milli Majlis held on September 1 and to submit the results of the elections to the Constitutional Court for approval, CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov said at the CEC meeting held today, APA reports.

CEC Chairman said that according to the Election Code, the CEC must complete the process of verifying and finalizing the election results no later than 20 days after the voting day.

This process has been concluded today. During the past period, CEC investigated the received complaints and made decisions. In these elections, the results of voting on a total of 46 polling stations were invalidated. 3 of them were considered invalid by the district election commissions, 43 by the CEC. Election commissions of 35 polling stations in 17 constituencies have been released.

Voter turnout in the parliamentary elections was 37.24%.

Thus, according to the final protocol of the CEC, you can access to the list of the persons who were elected as MPs to Azerbaijani Parliament within constituencies here.


The meeting of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on reviewing and finalizing the results of the extraordinary elections to the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) has started, APA reports.

According to the Election Code, the CEC must complete the process of reviewing and finalizing the election results no later than 20 days after the voting day.

CEC must submit the results of the elections to the Constitutional Court for approval within 24 hours after checking the protocols. After receiving the relevant documents, the Constitutional Court must complete the process of verification and approval of the results and results of the elections to the Parliament within 10 days (if the review process requires, this period can be extended).

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