Grossi says IAEA concerned about Russia’s plans to hold nuclear exercises

The International Atomic Energy Agency is concerned about Russia's plans to hold exercises with tactical nuclear weapons and is monitoring the situation, its Director General Rafael Grossi said on CNN, APA reports.

"Although the agency does not have a direct responsibility, of course we are deeply concerned. We believe this adds to the gravity of the situation and quite clearly we do not think that nuclear weapons have a place in this conflict, and in any conflict by the way, but in particular in this one. We are of course very attentive because when things like this happen tensions around the [Zaporozhye nuclear power] plant increase," he said.

"We have a responsibility when it comes to the situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant where we have people, a permanent deployment," Grossi went on to say. "We are following the situation in accordance with a number of parameters we have set in order to avoid a nuclear accident there."

The Russian Defense Ministry earlier said the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces had begun preparations for drills that will involve missile units in the Southern Military District, aircraft and the Navy, and rehearse the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. The ministry also said that the exercises are a response, among other things, to provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials.

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