Representatives of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada visited Azerbaijan's Alley of Martyrs-PHOTO

Representatives of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine have visited Alley of Martyrs in Baku, Ukrainian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladyslav Kanevskyi informed on social media, APA reports.

"Vice-Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Elena Kondratyuk, her Advisor, and Ukraine's former Ambassador to Azerbaijan Alexander Mishchenko have visited Alley of Martyrs, commemorated heroes, who sacrificed their lives for independence of Azerbaijan during January 20 incidents in 1990.

Today, we have also met with Management of Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, we are preparing for high-ranking meetings in Parliament - Milli Majlis. The 6th International Intercultural Dialogue Forum starts to operate in Baku, which I attend on behalf of Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. We will speak about Peace Formula of Volodymyr Zelenskyy and future support to Ukraine at all levels," added Ambassador.

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