MES International Search and Rescue Team representatives participated in int'l event

The representatives of the International Search and Rescue Team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan participated in the meeting of the International Search and Rescue Team commanders organized by the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) operating under the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), held in Belo Horizonte, Federal Republic of Brazil, APA reports citing MES.

At the meeting, information was provided on the innovations and future plans presented by the INSARAG Secretariat, the activities of the international teams during the earthquake that occurred in Türkiye in 2023 February were discussed, gained experiences were shared and views were exchanged on further improvement of the guidelines of the organization.

Later necessary discussions and suggestions were made in working groups - INSARAG External Classification/Reclassification (IEC/R), INSARAG Manual, Information Management, National Skills Building, and Medical Working Groups.

Presentations were wathed on the results of the discussions held in the Working Groups at the end of the event.

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