Turkmenistan Unblocks 3 Billion IP Addresses — But Why?

The news portal “Turmen.News” is reporting that internet blocking has been eased in Turkmenistan since the beginning of July. Access to 3 billion IPs has been restored in the country for users of Turkmentelecom and Ashgabat city telephone network providers.
However, restrictions are still in place for the mobile operator Altyn Asyr (Golden Age). Internet restrictions are usually partially lifted in Turkmenistan while distinguished guests are in the country. This is usually done locally: in a hotel where foreign guests stay or, as a last resort, throughout the city.
Turmen.News has speculated on three possible theories to explain the removal of restrictions on internet access. The first theory is that the easing of restrictions is connected with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s visit to the country. However, Guterres arrived in the country on July 5 and left the next day. More than ten days have passed, but the internet in Turkmenistan is still more accessible than ever.
The other theory, which the publication lists as more probable than the visit of the UN Secretary-General, is that Turkmenistan’s president Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave instructions to the Ministry of National Security to lift senseless internet blocks.
The final theory is that intelligence agencies and communications experts in Turkmenistan are testing a new firewall for internet traffic. After the test, blocking and filters may be restored.

