The President of Turkmenistan and the UN Secretary General held talks in Ashgabat

On Saturday, 6 July, negotiations between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres took place at the Oguzkent Hotel in Ashgabat.At first, the parties held a meeting in a narrow format. Addressing Guterres, the President noted that “Turkmenistan aims to further strengthen relations with the United Nations and its specialized agencies in order to develop cooperation in the political, economic, environmental, cultural and humanitarian spheres.”The head of state recalled that, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly declared the upcoming year 2025 the International Year of Peace and Trust.“A number of significant events will also be celebrated in 2025, namely the glorious 80th anniversary of the United Nations and the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality. These important dates are closely related to each other,” Berdimuhamedov stressed.In turn, the UN Secretary General stressed that Turkmenistan, which has accumulated solid peacekeeping experience over the years of sovereign development, acts as an important strategic partner of the Organization in ensuring universal peace, security and sustainable development.Guterres praised Turkmenistan’s efforts to prevent and reduce statelessness.Noting Turkmenistan’s success in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Chief emphasized the importance of important international initiatives and the activities of the Turkmen side.Then the negotiations continued in an expanded format.“This meeting convincingly proves the prolonged nature of the comprehensive strategic dialogue between Turkmenistan and the United Nations, the defining feature of which is the consistency of the goals of the United Nations and the national interests of our country. These realities are expressed in the desire to achieve sustainable peace, stability and security, Sustainable Development Goals and provide for the approval of the norms of international law recognized in global politics and enshrined in the UN Charter,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.Today, Turkmenistan hosts various UN agencies, namely UNDP, the Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund, WHO, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. In December 2007, the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia opened in Ashgabat. In addition, there are representative offices of the World Bank and the International Organization for Migration in Turkmenistan.Outlining the priorities of the Turkmenistan–UN strategic dialogue, the head of state placed special emphasis on issues of ensuring universal security.“Last September, Turkmenistan, as a responsible state, made a proposal at the plenary session of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly to develop a Global Security Strategy, one of the main provisions of which we consider the use of preventive diplomacy, prevention of conflict situations,” Berdimuhamedov continued, expressing readiness for close cooperation with all interested states, as well as relevant departments, agencies and institutes of the United Nations.During the conversation, it was noted that there is great potential in regional partnership. Various mechanisms of interstate cooperation have been established in the Central Asian region, the main of which is the format of consultative meetings of the heads of state of Central Asia.Turkmenistan is closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan and believes that the UN should play a key role in coordinating the Afghan issue. Turkmenistan is ready to provide comprehensive assistance in this matter, said Berdimuhamedov.The President stressed that Turkmenistan is actively participating in the 2030 Agenda both at the national level and within the framework of international efforts. Turkmenistan has taken the initiative to develop a Global Framework Program for the Transition to a closed-loop economy.Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals, which requires specific solutions, was also named among the priorities. The head of state noted that Turkmenistan proposes to convene a ministerial meeting on financing the SDGs, and it would be advisable to involve international financial institutions, in particular, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.In addition, Turkmenistan pays special attention to the issues of the climate agenda in cooperation with the United Nations. A concrete step in this direction was taken to create a Regional center for technologies related to climate change.Within the framework of cooperation with the United Nations, Turkmenistan emphasizes the critical water issues in Central Asia, particularly the need to revitalize the Aral Sea. The country advocates for a three-pronged approach, including guidance by international law principles, respect for the interests of all countries in the region, involvement of the United Nations and other international structures.As noted during the meeting, transport and energy are the strategic areas of cooperation with the UN. At the initiative of Turkmenistan, 8 resolutions were adopted in the field of transport, and 3 more resolutions on energy partnership.Among the key areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also highlighted the implementation of the Convention on Human Rights, addressing issues of refugees, stateless persons and other tasks.In recent years, about 30 thousand refugees and stateless persons have been granted citizenship of Turkmenistan. In addition, a regional conference on the elimination of statelessness is planned to be held in 2024.Maintaining food security and improving nutrition were also identified as the main tasks. In this regard, Turkmenistan proposes to convene a high-level International Food Forum.Then the floor was given to the UN Secretary General. Antonio Guterres stressed the importance of timely international initiatives and proposals put forward by Turkmenistan to strengthen international cooperation in the fields of transport, energy, environmental protection and many other areas.The UN Secretary General emphasized the importance of Turkmenistan’s neutrality. In today’s world, Turkmenistan’s neutral status is particularly in demand as an effective mechanism for strengthening the foundations of security and stability not only in Central Asia, but also throughout the planet.In this regard, Antonio Guterres stressed that the United Nations fully supports the creative initiatives of the Turkmen side to help ensure economic stability and restore peace in neighboring Afghanistan.Noting the important role of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia located in Ashgabat, the UN Chief expressed gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for its comprehensive support for the activities of this structure.Guterres expressed support for Turkmenistan’s proposals related to water issues, climate change and, in general, strengthening cooperation in the field of ecology.The UN Secretary-General also supported Turkmenistan’s initiative to open a Regional center for climate change technologies in Ashgabat.Speaking about the impressive potential of Central Asia, recognized as the cradle of civilization, which had a huge impact on the course of the general development of mankind, Antonio Guterres stressed the exceptional importance attached to cooperation with all countries of the region, confirming the readiness of the United Nations to continue to provide them with all possible active support.The Secretary-General commended Turkmenistan’s dedication to peace and its active participation in tackling global challenges. He specifically mentioned country’s commitment to reducing methane emissions at COP-28, showcasing willingness to collaborate with the international community.Expressing deep appreciation for both Turkmenistan’s hospitality and support for the UN’s strategy, Guterres concluded by wishing peace and prosperity to the head of state and the people of Turkmenistan.UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was awarded the jubilee medal of Turkmenistan “On the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi “.The award ceremony took place on Saturday, 6 July, after talks with President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.“In our independent, neutral country, in the year of the “Fount of Wisdom – Magtymguly Fragi “, the jubilee medal of Turkmenistan “For the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi ” was established in honor of the great master of the word. I decided to award you very first medal and signed a corresponding decree. Now I am very pleased to present this medal to you,” the President of Turkmenistan said.According to the state news agency TDH, Guterres was awarded this award “for his great personal contribution to strengthening the independence, sovereignty and policy of neutrality of Turkmenistan, expanding and enriching the country’s close ties with world states and international organizations, peace, friendship and brotherhood between peoples and the development of mutually beneficial humanitarian cooperation, as well as on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birthday of the Turkmen poet-classic Magtymguly Fragi “.The UN Secretary-General emphasized the enduring relevance of Magtymguly Fragi’s philosophy. Through his poems, Magtymguly championed unity, friendship, humanism, and the universal triumph of peace – ideals that perfectly align with the core goals of the United Nations.Dear Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, Dear members of the delegation!First of all, we are glad to welcome you to Turkmenistan. We consider the current visit as a qualitatively new stage of cooperation to strengthen the large-scale partnership between Turkmenistan and the United Nations.Dear Mr. Secretary General,This meeting convincingly proves the prolonged nature of the comprehensive strategic dialogue between Turkmenistan and the United Nations, the defining feature of which is the consistency of the goals of the United Nations and the national interests of our country. These realities are expressed in the desire to achieve sustainable peace, stability and security, Sustainable Development Goals and provide for the approval of the norms of international law recognized in global politics and enshrined in the UN Charter.Dear members of the delegation!As I have already said, the strategic relations between our country and the United Nations are of a long-term nature, which can be called a thoughtful course chosen by Turkmenistan, conditioned by its obligations to the world community as a neutral state and the promotion of peaceful settlement of conflict situations. Turkmenistan has established mutually beneficial cooperation with the United Nations in many areas. Today, our country has its various structures, namely UNDP, the Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund, WHO, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.In December 2007, with the support of all countries in the region and by decision of the UN Secretary General, the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia was opened in Ashgabat. In addition, we have representative offices of the World Bank and the International Organization for Migration, which are part of the UN system. All of them actively cooperate with the Government and make a significant contribution to the development of Turkmenistan. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the UN staff who work in our country for their active commitment to cooperation.Dear Mr. Secretary General,As for the priorities of the strategic dialogue, we must focus on global security, regional conjuncture, sustainable development and humanitarian issues. In modern realities, concrete measures should be taken to de-escalate tensions and provide opportunities for dialogue. And here it is important to establish mechanisms for regular contacts based on the norms of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. Last September, Turkmenistan, as a responsible state, made a proposal at the plenary session of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly to develop a Global Security Strategy, one of the main provisions of which we consider the use of preventive diplomacy, prevention of conflict situations. In this regard, we are ready for close cooperation with all interested states and relevant departments, agencies, and UN institutions.We also see great potential in regional partnership. Today, Central Asia’s position as a key center of global energy and geopolitics, as well as a transport hub, is steadily increasing. Turkmenistan clearly represents its mission in maintaining peace, security, stability and sustainable development in the region, where various mechanisms of interstate cooperation have been established, the main of which is the format of consultative meetings of the heads of State of Central Asia, formed several years ago.As for regional security, Turkmenistan is monitoring the situation in Afghanistan, which is our closest neighbor and fraternal state, and we will continue our economic partnership and provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people. We have initiated construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline and power transmission lines along the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan route, as well as other international projects in the field of energy and transport, which, we are sure, will improve the socio-economic situation in Afghanistan. We will continue to work on the designated projects. We believe that the United Nations should play a key role in coordinating the Afghan issue, and Turkmenistan is ready to assist it in every possible way in this matter.Dear Mr. Secretary General,Sustainable development is a priority in the context of cooperation with the United Nations, and in this regard, we are systematically working to achieve priority Sustainable Development Goals at the national level. They are set out in the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework between the Government of Turkmenistan and United Nations 2021-2025.In May of this year, the first meeting of the Turkmenistan–UN Strategic Advisory Council was held in an updated composition, during which a Roadmap for the development of a Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework between the Government of Turkmenistan and United Nations for 2026-2030 was adopted. It should be noted that Turkmenistan is actively participating in the 2030 Agenda both at the national level and within the framework of international efforts.Dear Mr. Secretary General, I would like to draw attention to our proposal to develop a Global Framework Program for the Transition to a closed–loop economy, which was announced in February this year during the World Government Summit in Dubai. We count on the support of the United Nations in its implementation.Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals is also among the priorities, which requires specific solutions. Thus, Turkmenistan proposes to convene a ministerial meeting on financing Sustainable Development Goals, and it would be advisable to involve international financial institutions, in particular, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.We also pay special attention to cooperation on climate change and environmental protection. In 2016, our country joined the Paris Climate Agreement, thereby fully implementing the global climate agenda. It is quite natural that Turkmenistan is focused on constructive cooperation on climate issues in the Central Asian region. And measures to create a Regional center for technologies related to climate change have become a concrete step in this direction. Some work has already been done here, and we count on the assistance of relevant UN structures in order to reach an agreement soon and begin organizational procedures for the establishment of a Center in Turkmenistan.Within the framework of cooperation with the United Nations, we highlight the water issues in Central Asia and the rescue of the Aral Sea. Turkmenistan is guided by the need to take into account three factors, namely, issues in this area should be considered and resolved on the basis of:– norms of international law;– respecting the interests of all countries in the region;– involvement of the United Nations and other international structures.As for saving the Aral Sea, Turkmenistan has developed the Concept of a Special UN Program for the Aral Sea Basin, which has been officially sent to the Central Asian states. In May 2023, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific adopted the Resolution initiated by us “Consideration of the conditions for the creation of a Special UN Program for the Aral Sea Basin”, which, we believe, will serve as a platform for multilateral cooperation and the basis for subsequent initiatives of countries on inland waters.Transport and energy are also strategic areas of cooperation with the UN. At the initiative of Turkmenistan, 8 resolutions were adopted on issues in the field of transport, and 3 more resolutions on energy partnership. In 2016, the first Global Conference on Sustainable Transport was held in Ashgabat under the auspices of the United Nations. At the same time, we have important new proposals – the creation of a Global Atlas in the field of sustainable development and an Alliance for cooperation in the field of global energy security and sustainable development.Among the key areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations is the implementation of the Convention on Human Rights. This category also includes humanitarian cooperation with responsible UN agencies and units in addressing issues of refugees, stateless persons and other tasks. In recent years, we have hosted several major international humanitarian forums, the results of which served as the basis for making fundamental decisions at the national level. For example, in recent years, about 30 thousand refugees and stateless persons have been granted citizenship of Turkmenistan. In addition, we plan to hold a regional conference on the elimination of statelessness in 2024.Dear Mr. Secretary General,I would like to take this opportunity to note your great personal contribution to solving citizenship problems. We are sincerely grateful to you.Maintaining food security and improving nutrition are also among the main tasks. In this regard, Turkmenistan proposes to convene a high-level International Food Forum. We hope that our proposal will receive support.Dear Mr. Secretary General,In conclusion, I would like to confirm Turkmenistan’s unwavering commitment and readiness to strengthen and enhance the strategic dialogue with the United Nations. We are sincerely grateful to you for the support of our country. I am sure that your visit to Turkmenistan will be a significant event. ///nCa, 8 July 2024 Related posts:

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