"Milk in Schools": EDB, UN WFP, and Yeremyan Farm have signed a letter of intent for the expansion of the program

On June 27, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) represented by Senior Managing Director, Denis Ilin, the World Food Programme (WFP) represented by WFP Representative and Country Director in Armenia, Nanna Skau, and Yeremyan Farm represented by Founder and CEO of Yeremyan Projects Group of Companies, Davit Yeremyan, signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the expansion of the "Milk to Schools" program in Armenia.  The partnership aims to establish a cooperative framework to assess the feasibility of the initiative and identify potential contributions to support its implementation by consolidating the efforts and resources among the three organizations. 
Launched in December 2022, the "Milk in Schools" program was initiated through a partnership between Nanna Skau and Davit Yeremyan. The pilot program was designed to integrate milk consumption into the daily diets of both children and adults in Armenia, aiming to decrease the consumption of unhealthy snacks such as sugary and salty foods, while fostering a long-term demand for milk as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Lasting from January to December 2023 in the Vayots Dzor region, the program involved Schools No. 1 in Jermuk and No. 1 in Yeghegnadzor and benefited approximately 411 students in grades 5-9 by providing each of them with a daily glass of “Yeremyan Products” milk, contributing to a healthier start to their day. 
The Eurasian Development Bank, known for fostering economic growth and integration among its member states, joins the collaborative initiative aiming to expand the exposure of more schoolchildren to improved nutrition and healthier habits through the use of high-quality milk. Referring to this initiative, Denis Ilin, Senior Managing Director of the EDB, stated, “Three years ago, the EDB and Yeremyan Projects launched a crucial initiative to establish a comprehensive milk supply chain for schools. This journey took us from a business idea to an investment project, from the start of construction to delivering milk to store shelves and meeting social needs. We are pleased to have received support from the UN, and we hope to continue the project with the same lineup.”
Piloted two years ago, the “Milk in Schools” program marked an important partnership between WFP and Yeremyan Projects, stirring up a recipe for healthier habits that fuel young minds and bodies. The program scored an unprecedented success, with the assessments by WFP of the behavioral changes among children, noting a significant increase in milk consumption and a decrease in the intake of sweet drinks. Research conducted at the beginning and end of the program revealed positive shifts in attitudes towards milk among participating children, with a notable increase in preference for milk as a beverage of choice.
Feedback from parents also reflected the project's positive impact, with many reporting changes in their children's milk consumption habits and preferences. Evaluation studies showed a reduction in the consumption of carbonated beverages and an increase in milk consumption among schoolchildren, reinforcing the project's success in encouraging healthier dietary choices.

According to the representative and country director of the Armenian office of the UN World Food Program, Nanna Skau, the continuity of the program is a testament to its effectiveness: “As we expand the “Milk in Schools” project in Armenia, our partnership with the Eurasian Development Bank and Yeremyan Farm is a step in the right direction to promote nutrition and healthy habits among Armenian children. Through our collaborative efforts, we secure long-term health benefits, strengthen students' educational journeys, and enhance human capital.”
With the Eurasian Development Bank and World Food Programme, both aiming to ensure food security in Armenia, Yeremyan Projects shares the unifying mission to advocate milk as a nutritious drink for children. Building on its success, the program is now poised for expansion, aiming to reach a greater number of schools and students across Armenia, thereby further enhancing children's nutrition and promoting healthy dietary habits. 

Founder and CEO of Yeremyan Projects Group of Companies, Davit Yeremyan, states: “Last year, in collaboration with the UN World Food Programme, we successfully piloted a program in two schools, resulting in impressive and significant outcomes. These outcomes serve as strong evidence that we are pursuing the right strategy to achieve our goal of fostering a new culture of milk consumption. I express my gratitude to our partners for supporting this important initiative for Armenia. With this collaboration, we will expand the program, ensuring that our children have access to high-quality milk that meets the highest standards.”
It should be noted that in 2022, the Armenian Government, the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), and "Yeremyan Farm" signed a memorandum of cooperation with the purpose of ensuring food security and sustainable economic development in the agro-industry sector of the Republic of Armenia. As part of this investment project, Armenia's first-of-its-kind and unique livestock complex was constructed within a year in the Tashir community of Lori Province, marking the final stage of the investment project. The complex was opened in October 2023. Additionally, within the same project framework, the new state-of-the-art milk processing plant of the Yeremyan Projects Group of Companies was constructed and opened in May 2024. 
The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is an international financial organization engaged in investment activities across the Eurasian region. For 18 years, the EDB has played a crucial role in strengthening and expanding economic ties and fostering comprehensive development in its member countries, including Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. The authorized capital of EDB is 7 billion US dollars, with a substantial portion of its portfolio dedicated to projects with integration benefits in various fields, such as transport infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, industry, and engineering. The bank adheres to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles in its operations.
The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.
“Yeremyan Projects” Group of Companies is one of the leaders in the sectors of agriculture, particularly in dairy production, hospitality, the restaurant business, canteen business, and vocational education in Armenia.  Around its 20-year history, the company has conceived and executed more than a dozen bold, unique, and conceptual projects, significantly contributing to the development of the restaurant industry, agriculture, and sectoral education in Armenia.

