Huawei Cloud Accelerating Intelligence and Digitalization in Central Asia through Systematic Innovation-INTERVIEW with Hu Yuhai, Vice President of Huawei Hybrid Cloud

– Can you elaborate on how your hybrid cloud solution facilitates seamless data exchange and service deployment across private and public clouds?

Huawei Cloud Stack offers unique cloud federation technology to assist customers in building hybrid clouds. This technology acts as a bridge, enabling seamless data exchange and service deployment for hybrid clouds. It allows for the cost-effective creation of private clouds and connection with Huawei Cloud, enabling cloud-to-cloud connection and resource sharing for a cheaper, more efficient, and seamless “one cloud” experience. With Huawei Cloud federation, government and enterprise private clouds can easily access advanced cloud services and ecosystem applications from public clouds.

One-click Access, All-cloud Management: Cloud federation using authentication that allows users from different cloud platforms to be recognized on one platform. This means they can access resources across multiple platforms with just one login. Federated directories manage access permissions, ensuring consistent control across all cloud services used within the enterprise. This maintains standardized processes for using cloud services, meeting enterprise requirements.

Business Cross-Cloud Orchestration, Automatic Deployment: Cloud federation enables hybrid orchestration of various cloud resources, like Huawei Cloud and Huawei Cloud Stack, through the management platform's service builder. Users can select different cloud resources based on their requirements and create business scenario templates for quick one-click deployment, reducing the online cycle and workload for cross-cloud applications. Traditional manual deployment requires repetitive manual construction, making application replication challenging, leading to a high workload and low efficiency.

Multi-Cloud Collaboration, Shared Resources across Multiple Huawei Cloud Stacks: Multi-cloud collaboration for business services is required when an enterprise deploys multiple sets of Huawei Cloud Stacks. For instance, both the headquarters and branches deploy Huawei Cloud Stack, but advanced services like containers, big data, and Enterprise intelligence (EI) are centralized at the headquarters, and branches must utilize these advanced services. Cloud federation facilitates borrowing cloud service resources from one Huawei Cloud Stack to another, providing capabilities such as unified identity authentication, service directory, organization management, approval process, quota management, and measurement statistics. This helps avoid duplicate construction and reduces investment.

Sharing Huawei Cloud Ecosystem, Unified and Flexible Application Deployment: The hybrid cloud market brings ISV partners and developers together to foster rapid innovation and application sharing. This aligns with Huawei Cloud's extensive ecosystem, facilitating government and enterprise deployments through various application types, significantly reducing deployment costs and online business cycles. For instance, government and enterprise users can directly access personalized services from established ISVs on the Huawei Cloud Market using their tenant accounts within allocated quotas. This streamlines the process, eliminating the need for frequent account switching and complex quota applications.

– What specific benefits does your hybrid cloud solution offer in terms of service flexibility, cost reduction, and improved availability compared to traditional IT infrastructure?

Huawei Cloud Stack is an end-to-end solution, which provides IT infrastructure, cloud platforms, cloud services like AI and big data, and a wide array of industry know-how. This solution benefits customers in three ways:

  • Trusted cloud infrastructure: Huawei has been continuously investing in fundamental technologies of software and hardware for years. Huawei has established a secure, reliable, and open cloud-native infrastructure and provides green, low-carbon IT hardware and cloud-native infrastructure. Huawei aims to lay a robust foundation for the national digital transformation of government customers.
  • Innovative cloud services: Huawei leverages data and AI technologies to provide numerous cloud services, aiming to help government customers unleash data value and enhance data sovereignty.
  • Extensive industry know-how: Huawei provides a series of professional services including high-level design, service planning, deliveries, and implementation, all backed by extensive experience with numerous global projects. Huawei looks forward to working with more industry partners in the future and to accelerating national digital transformation for government customers around the world.

In 2024, Huawei Cloud Stack has been reinforcing cloud services and key features. This brand-new version provides six highlights: a solid cloud foundation and five innovative capabilities covering databases, mainframe modernization, data lakes, large AI models, and industrial Internet:

  • GaussDB provides a distributed database with high performance and reliability: GaussDB, in terms of high-concurrency handling, delivers excellent reliability and 30% better performance than rival products in the industry. It also provides flexible disaster recovery and one-stop migration capabilities, which are critical to core systems of government and enterprise customers.
  • Mainframe modernization accelerates transformation of core systems: Customers in many sectors like finance, energy, and manufacturing are eager to move their core systems from siloed legacy mainframes to open platforms. To address these requirements, Huawei launched the mainframe modernization solution using innovation in software, hardware, and services. The solution provides three cloud migration paths: re-hosting, re-platforming, and re-architecting of core systems. It provides cloud-hardware synergy, more dependable processes, and scenario-specific solutions.
  • A converged data lake improves data sharing and circulation: Huawei Cloud Stack provides three innovative services: MRS (a big data service), DWS (a data warehouse service), and DataArts Studio (one-stop data governance). It also provides an enterprise-grade real-time data lake that supports OLAP and HTAP workloads and unifies data standards. With Huawei Cloud Stack, customers in diverse sectors like government and finance are now able to achieve efficient cross-source, cross-domain data collaboration and real-time data analysis and sharing.
  • Pangu Models help customers in every industry build tailored large AI models in one stop: Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3 is the industry's first hybrid cloud that can be used to deploy large AI models. It provides the industry's most comprehensive AI pipeline including computing platforms, cloud services, development suites, and professional services. It enables numerous models and applications and empowers a myriad of industries.
  • Industrial Internet is integrated with AI to enable new industrialization: Huawei Cloud Stack provides a reference architecture for a new industrial Internet platform. It enables industrial all-domain connections, data intelligence, and application innovation. It helps resolve pain points in different stages of industrial production and drives integration with AI.

Huawei Cloud Stack is a partner that customers can count on when they move to, use, and manage the cloud. They have been streamlining and optimizing product portfolios, professional services, and customer-oriented workflows since 2021, and so far, have launched more than 40 scenario-specific solutions tailored to customer needs. Soon, Huawei Cloud Stack will continue to simplify technologies, develop easier specific-scenario solutions, and share experiences.

– Can you provide examples of real-world scenarios where your hybrid cloud solution has been successfully deployed, such as service burst management or disaster recovery?

With innovative technologies and a vast array of industry-specific solutions, Huawei Cloud Stack currently serves more than 5,500 government and enterprise customers around the world, leading multiple markets, such as the hybrid cloud markets in China and the emerging Asia Pacific region. In the Middle East and Central Asia regions, Huawei Cloud Stack, in collaboration with partners, consistently delivers high-quality products and services across multiple sectors:

Government: The Uzbekistan government, in partnership with Huawei Cloud, has established a secure, reliable national government cloud. This state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure is designed to run all the e-government applications of the country. It supports multi-level virtual data centers (VDCs) for fine-grained resource management. Currently, the cloud provides 447 public services for 4.5 million users nationwide.

Telecom: CMPak, the second-largest GSM mobile service operator in Pakistan, has partnered with Huawei Cloud to spearhead digital transformation for enterprises. By seamlessly integrating telecom data with advanced database and big data technologies, the performance of the database increased by 30%, and data processing allows for the real-time identification of phone fraud and spam, significantly boosting user satisfaction.

Education: Ankabut, is the largest ICT service provider in the UAE's education sector by offers a wide range of ICT services, including IaaS/PaaS cloud services, network connectivity, IT infrastructure, equipment room/cabinet hosting and leasing, management, professional services, and training to universities, research institutions, and vocational schools nationwide. Huawei Cloud is Ankabut's strategic partner and Huawei Cloud Stack's multi-cloud management, high reliability, and efficient O&M are transforming Ankabut into a reliable cloud service provider for education and research in the UAE and, arguably, the Middle East.

– How does Huawei Cloud Stack incorporate cloud-native principles into its architecture, and what benefits does this bring to enterprises undergoing cloud transformation?

With the deepening of digitalization, governments and enterprises are entering a new stage of deep dive into the cloud. There are two core elements of future-oriented leapfrogging:

The first is to implement cloud-native with cloud-native thinking. Traditional enterprise architectures need to quickly modernize applications. Through low-code and zero-code assembly delivery, application users can also participate in application development, achieving "development by all" and accelerating service innovation and incubation. Next, the development mode needs to be changed from the traditional waterfall development mode to the cloud-based data-driven DevOps mode, shortening the application rollout period from months to days and automating application development and deployment. Finally, traditional monolithic applications must evolve to microservice- and serverless-based architectures to ensure full lifecycle security.

Secondly, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into key industrial production scenarios and driving the intelligent transformation of enterprise core processes. Traditional AI development faces challenges like lengthy processes, high technical requirements, and imprecise algorithms, resulting in AI applications penetrating less than 10% of enterprises. However, as AI development becomes more industrialized and assets accumulate, AI is rapidly infiltrating various industries. By 2025, it's projected that AI penetration will soar to 86%. In Huawei Cloud's 600+ AI projects, 30% have already integrated into core production systems, leading to an average 18% improvement in profitability for customers.

– In what ways does Huawei Cloud Stack facilitate industry innovation for enterprises? Can you provide examples of industries or sectors where this innovation is particularly impactful?

Huawei Cloud Stack is designed to meet customers' requirements for cloud in each phase of transformation. Whether cloud-based or cloud-native, Huawei Cloud Stack can help customers achieve service innovation and is a trusted on-premises cloud solution. Deployed on-premises, it improves security and compliance. Synchronized with services from the public cloud, it also allows for continuous iteration of innovation. Huawei Cloud Stack currently supports more than 110 cloud services and has more than 5500 global customers, including over 800 government clouds and more than 300 financial clouds.

Huawei Cloud Stack has created the industry's first hybrid cloud for large AI models by incorporating Pangu models. This solution helps enterprises build their own large AI models in one stop, featuring three highlights:

A solid AI-Ready Cloud Infrastructure: The Huawei Cloud Stack offers an extensive AI pipeline, encompassing computing resources, storage, networking, operators, development frameworks, development suites, and professional services. This comprehensive suite reduces barriers to constructing large AI models. With a wide array of capabilities, including software-hardware synergy, uninterrupted long-term training, cloud-edge synergy, and security and compliance services, it simplifies the process for governments and enterprises to tackle the fundamental challenges of deploying large AI models.

Numerous models and applications: Huawei Cloud Stack supports Pangu Models with a decoupled "5+N+X" three-layer architecture. It also supports over 30 mainstream open-source large AI models in the industry and provides efficient, easy-to-use tools to help customers smoothly migrate models. In addition, Huawei Cloud Stack provides an intelligent orchestration tool to standardize and visualize model and application development, accelerating rollout from months to days.

Empowering myriad industries: The Huawei Cloud Stack offers over ten comprehensive AI models tailored for various sectors, including government, mining, oil and gas, finance, and meteorology, complemented by professional services spanning planning, construction, development, training, and operations. Customers have the flexibility to conduct training, fine-tuning, and inference deployment using their own datasets and share their proprietary algorithms and applications. This facilitates the accumulation of expertise in constructing large AI models and streamlines their sharing and monetization process.

– How does Huawei Cloud Stack address concerns around data security and privacy for enterprises leveraging cloud services? What measures are in place to ensure data protection and compliance?

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and enterprises have to move from conventional security solutions to cloud-native security solutions. Huawei Cloud Stack uses one-center and seven-layer defense architecture to help customers build an end-to-end security protection system, updating security from passive protection to proactive intervention. The core brain of security operations is called SecMaster. Our SecMaster leverages a full-stack cloud-native security system based on a single security operations center (SOC) and seven layers of defense. SecMaster, the SOC, works with other services to protect workloads at identity, network, application, server, data, and O&M layers. Based on a unified technical architecture on the cloud, SecMaster has integrated Huawei's over 30 years of experience in security operations into over 300 threat detection models and 100 response playbooks. In addition, Huawei Cloud has started developing security capabilities powered by large models. Huawei Cloud leverages its Pangu models to create large security models that feature real-time tuning, which can be rolled out fast, bringing more intelligence into its "One Center + Seven Layers of Defense" security system. In addition, Huawei Cloud Stack platform security meets ISO/IEC 27701 and ISO 27001 standards for data privacy and information security.

