Heydar Aliyev Foundation and ICESCO sign Memorandum of Cooperation [PHOTOS]

On May 11, a memorandum of cooperation between the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and ICESCO was signed in Shusha, Azernews reports.

The memorandum envisages the exchange of experience in the field of culture, science and education, development of new technologies, as well as implementation of joint projects.

At the meeting of Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Executive Director of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Anar Alakbarov, and Director General of ICESCO, Salim bin Muhammad Al-Malik, bilateral cooperation and existing relations between ICESCO and the Foundation were discussed.

Foundation's President Mehriban Aliyeva's activities and services on rapprochement of civilizations and intercultural dialogue as goodwill ambassador of ICESCO were highlighted.

At the meeting, the activities of the Foundation aimed at the development of education and culture, humanitarian projects in Azerbaijan and other countries, and inter-religious rapprochement were noted. It was stated that the signed memorandum will create a foundation for the future success of cooperation.

In Shusha, which was chosen as the cultural capital of the Islamic world for 2024, the importance of the works carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the short term in the direction of the protection and restoration of historical, religious and cultural monuments after the occupation was noted in terms of preserving the cultural and historical heritage. Cooperation with ICESCO was also discussed in this field.

Later, Director General of ICESCO Salim bin Muhammad Al-Malik visited the historical and religious monuments in Shusha, where he got acquainted with the facts about the Armenian vandalism committed during the occupation.

It should be noted that since 1991, Azerbaijan has been a member of ICESCO, a prestigious international cultural and humanitarian organization, in which more than 50 Muslim countries are represented. These relations, which were established in 1991, were further expanded when Mehriban Aliyeva, the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, was awarded the title of goodwill ambassador of ICESCO on November 24, 2006. The organization actively participates in a number of international events held in Azerbaijan. At the same time, effective cooperation was established between the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and ISESCO, headed by the First Lady.


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