European Commission official: EUR 8 million to be allocated for demining process in Azerbaijan

“Landmines pose a threat to various spheres of life, and people face its severe consequences,” said Gert Jan Koopman, the Director-General of the Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of European Commission during the event of European Team Mine Action Initiative, APA reports.

The official of European Commission said that the 10 European Union member states are contributing to the initiative announced today and the number of those joining it will increase.

He added that the budget of the initiative will be EUR 8 million and this initiative will cover mine victim support, mine awareness, mine clearance process.

“We plan to take this initiative further. Landmines are one of the tragic legacies of conflict and its solution requires solidarity. I’m sure that this initiative will be a platform for us to mobilize international efforts,” – Koopman said.

