Mukhtar Babayev: By the end of COP29, it will be critical to reach a consensus on financial matters - INTERVIEW

APA News Agency interviewed Mukhtar Babayev, COP29 President-Designate

– How is the preparation for COP29 going in Azerbaijan, and how do you generally assess the process?

– Thank you for your thoughtful question. I believe it’s essential for our citizens and society to be more informed about the preparation process. As you know, in December 2023, during COP28, all countries reached a consensus that Azerbaijan would host COP29 in Baku this November. This decision holds great significance for Azerbaijan as it aligns with our ambitious goal to lead climate negotiations and act as an interconnector and bridge between developing and developed countries, the Global South and North, as well as between East and West. Geographically and politically, Azerbaijan is strategically positioned at this crossroad.

This is especially important for us because it provides an opportunity to showcase how Azerbaijan, historically known as an oil and gas nation, is now transitioning towards a green economy. We’re investing in green technologies, developing sustainable programs, and steering our economy toward sustainability. Hosting COP29 is a major milestone for us, as it is one of the largest events within the UN framework.

In November, when we begin the negotiations, we will engage in various debates and discussions. By the end of COP29, it will be critical to reach a consensus on key priorities, especially financial matters. If you’re asking how journalists can assist in this process, it’s crucial for them to provide all the necessary information to our society, ensuring that our messages and updates about the preparation reach both domestic and international audiences. Additionally, creating a strong network to keep our society actively involved in the preparation process and during COP itself is vital.

The collaboration with the UNFCCC and the support from the UN Task Force have been instrumental in ensuring that all necessary conditions are met for COP29. Their guidance and partnership have enabled us to create a platform where meaningful discussions and negotiations can take place, further enhancing the effectiveness of the conference

– What are Azerbaijan`s expectations for the 29th Session of The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which will be held in Baku from November 11 to 22?

– First of all, we need to ensure that all necessary conditions are provided to the parties, international organizations, financial institutions, multilateral development banks, and all other stakeholders, including the private sector. It is essential that we offer the platforms and environments needed for effective and efficient discussions in Baku. Our primary goal is to ensure a positive outcome from the preparation and the event itself.

At the end of COP29, we aim to reach a consensus among countries, particularly on financial issues, which are central to the agenda. One of the main topics will be the new collective quantified goal (NCQG), a new financial target. Along with this, we have other priorities that will be discussed with various countries. I can go into more detail on these topics, depending on any further questions you may have.

– How will this prestigious international event provide dividends to Azerbaijan in terms of its global economic power?

– COP29 will bring significant dividends to Azerbaijan. Today, Azerbaijan stands as a regional leader in alternative energy projects and the development of new energy sources. We are actively implementing various initiatives in green agriculture, smart cities, smart villages, and many other sustainable efforts.

Under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan, numerous green projects have been launched. Notably, the President has declared Garabagh, East Zangazur, and Nakhchivan as green zones in Azerbaijan, marking a significant new initiative for the country.

Another major initiative is the development of green corridors, which is crucial not only for Azerbaijan but for the region as a whole. This initiative involves building essential infrastructure to deliver alternative energy from the Caspian region to Europe, creating an excellent opportunity to expand Azerbaijan’s ‘Green Gross Program.’

In support of these efforts, Azerbaijan has adopted key programs like the ‘National Priorities 2030’ and the ‘Socio-Economic Development Program 2022-2026,’ both of which heavily emphasize sustainable development, green growth, and the transition to a green economy.

Therefore, COP29 represents a unique opportunity for Azerbaijan to further engage our country, organizations, businesses, and society in the global climate agenda and to advance the green economy. It also positions us to actively participate in negotiations and discussions that will shape the future of climate action.

– On August 24 of this year in an interview with “Anadolu” Agency, Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan, Chief Executive Director of COP29 Azerbaijan Elnur Soltanov stated that our country will call for a global ceasefire during COP29, just like during the Olympic Games. Considering both the Russia-Ukraine war and the tense situation in Gaza, how do you see the prospects for the realization of the call? Do you think a ceasefire will be possible during COP29?

– You know, the ‘COP Truce Initiative’ is one of our key initiatives. Within the COP29 Presidency Team, we have 14 initiatives, and this one is particularly significant. Many different countries and organizations, especially representatives from civil society, have shown great interest in this initiative. In fact, hundreds of organizations and parties have already joined. This demonstrates the importance and relevance of the initiative, particularly in the current global context.

Unfortunately, there are 52 conflicts around the world today—52. Just imagine! This means not only human suffering but also a massive environmental impact. Think about how many tonnes of emissions are released into the atmosphere due to war and military actions. All these activities have a devastating effect on the climate and nature. That’s why this initiative is crucial.

We believe it has great potential, and we will continue working with countries and organizations to bring as many partners on board as possible to support this process.

– One of the continents affected by climate change is Africa and SIDS. According to a report released by the World Meteorological Organization on September 3, approximately 118 million people in this region will be victims of this problem by 2030. The report also indicates that in the next 10 years, up to 50 billion dollars per year will be needed for climate adaptation. In this region, which amounts to 2-3% of its gross domestic product. Do you think COP29 could become a platform for proposing useful solutions to address such problems?

– This is indeed a very important question. Regarding your concerns about African countries and small island developing states (SIDS), these nations are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. While all countries face the challenges of climate change, regions like Africa, the Pacific Islands, and the Caribbean Islands are particularly hard-hit by its devastating effects.

This year, the COP29 Presidency has placed these countries at the heart of the climate conversation. We have traveled to Antigua and Barbuda to attend the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States and visited Tonga to join the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum. Additionally, we attended the First International Conference on Afforestation and Restoration held in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, and visited Ethiopia. During these visits, we witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of climate change on these communities.

That’s why we are working closely with all parties, including international financial organizations, donors, multilateral development banks, and the private sector, to find ways to double adaptation finance. Our goal is to increase contributions to various funds that assist in financing programs in developing countries.

This focus comes directly from the President of Azerbaijan, who has made it a priority to assist SIDS in various projects and processes. We have signed a special agreement with the Commonwealth Organization to provide necessary technical support, and our ‘Azərkosmos’ (Azerbaijan’s space agency) will provide ecological monitoring data to these countries. Additionally, Azerbaijan has organized a special fund in collaboration with the Commonwealth to offer urgent support to these nations for restoration efforts.

I would also like to mention that a Leaders’ Summit of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on Climate Change will take place during COP29 in Baku. This summit will focus on addressing the specific vulnerabilities of SIDS to the adverse impacts of climate change, while highlighting the need for new mechanisms of financial support, including the full operationalization of the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage. The summit will bring together leaders from SIDS, as well as key representatives from Funds and other international bodies, to explore actionable strategies for enhancing the resilience of these nations. This summit will be a key platform for fostering international collaboration, addressing critical adaptation needs, and supporting SIDS in their efforts to achieve their development goals.

– At COP29, the participation of various of heads of state and leaders of prominent international organizations is expected. Are there any specific details of confirmations regarding the attendance of high-level guests at the summit?

– We already have confirmation from tens of countries for participation in Baku at the level of heads of state. As a result, the registration process is progressing very well. Many countries, international organizations, civil society representatives, observers, youth organizations, and the private sector are joining the registration process.

However, I can’t provide an exact figure for the number of heads of state attending, as it is changing day by day. What I can assure you is that we are fully prepared to provide all the necessary conditions for these countries and offer an excellent platform for discussions, negotiations, and debates here in Azerbaijan.

– It is known that Armenia has also been invited to the COP29 summit in Baku. In your opinion, how realistic is the prospect of this country participating in the conference? What steps might Azerbaijan take to ensure Armenia`s participation in the summit?

– As hosts of COP29, Azerbaijan has created an open and inclusive platform for all participating countries. We have extended invitations to all nations, including Armenian officials, to join the process of dialogue and negotiation.

Azerbaijan has signed a Host-Country Agreement with the UN, ensuring that all necessary conditions are met for every delegation. We believe that the participation of all countries will contribute to productive discussions and positive outcomes.

– There are several countries invited to COP29 that have daggering viewpoints on various issues. In a such context, do you think, the parties will be able to reach a consensus on adopting the final declaration of the conference?

– Please imagine the challenge of getting for about 200 countries to agree. Our responsibility is to provide all the necessary conditions for these parties to engage in meaningful discussions, organize debates, and offer diverse platforms for dialogue. This is our obligation, and we are fully committed to it.

Today, countries understand how critical it is to reach a conclusion in Baku. It is essential not only for the environment but also for the nations involved. We are working closely with Azerbaijan, the UAE, and Brazil in the ‘Troika’ format, which allows us to consolidate the positions of all parties. This collaboration is crucial not only to achieve an ambitious outcome in Azerbaijan but also to prepare for the next steps and future climate agenda commitments.

Furthermore, we must intensify political engagement and raise it to the highest levels. The COP29 Presidency has now appointed ministerial and high-level pairs across key areas, including the NCQG led by Australia and Egypt, Adaptation by Ireland and Costa Rica, Mitigation by Norway and South Africa, Article 6 by Singapore and New Zealand, and Transparency led by Italy and Kazakhstan. These pairs will work with us to bridge gaps, foster dialogue, and drive progress.

We must also involve all relevant government ministries, from finance and energy to agriculture and health and ensure that heads of state and government are fully engaged and committed to this process.

Every delegation coming to COP29 must arrive with clear political support to make progress.

– The decision to hold the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) also reflects global support for our country`s green energy policies. Furthermore, considering our country`s high potential in green energy, one of our main goals is to increase the share of renewable energy to 30% by 2030. What steps, do you think, can be taken to achieve this goal?

– The target you mentioned is very accurate. By 2030, we are planning to increase our renewable energy capacity to 30%. In this context, we are also initiating various projects with different countries, focusing on energy corridors, energy grids, energy storage, and other initiatives.

– Some experts believe that hosting COP29 in Azerbaijan is crucial for the expansion of our political relations. In summary, how can Azerbaijan systematize and maximize the political benefits gained from this conference?

– We already have a strong example of leadership in our history through the Non-Aligned Movement, which consists of 121 countries. For four years, Azerbaijan led this organization, gaining valuable experience in communicating with nations, bringing them together to reach conclusions, and fostering agreements. COP29 presents another significant opportunity for Azerbaijan to build new friendships, strengthen communications, and form lasting partnerships.

Farid Azeri, Lamiya Shirinova

PHOTO - Ilkin Nabiyev ©️ APA GROUP

