Newspaper: Armenia ruling force members to attend Holy Etchmiadzin Cathedral re-consecration?

Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes as follows, in particular: The members of CC [i.e. the ruling Civil Contract Party] are waiting for [PM] Nikol Pashinyan's instruction to understand whether to participate or not in the holy ceremonies of the re-consecration of the [Holy Etchmiadzin] Cathedral and blessing of the Holy Myron on September 28-29.
Nazeli Baghdasaryan, press secretary of the prime minister, had told Zhoghovurd daily that the prime minister has received an invitation, but the issue of participation is still being discussed.
Zhoghovurd daily tried to find out from the spokespersons of Pashinyan's cabinet ministers whether they will participate in the holy rituals. We found out that some of the ministers have not yet made a decision, and the spokespersons of others have not responded yet.
The RA president's office, which sends only condolence and congratulatory messages, told Zhoghovurd daily that September is busy, so no decision yet on participation.
In some of CC MPs’ words, they have not yet received an invitation from the Mother See [of Holy Etchmiadzin], and if they do, they don't know whether they will go or not. That is, the authorities need Nikol Pashinyan's permission even to participate in holy church ceremonies, and now the whole [political] team is waiting to see if their leader will go or not, then make a decision accordingly.

