First info tour organized in Azerbaijan's Kalbajar

The State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons has organized the first infotour to the Kalbajar region for a creative group of sculptors and artists, Azernews reports.

It was reported that the infotour participants were given detailed information about the restoration and construction work being carried out in the district under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the measures being taken to prepare the local population for their return to their homeland.

The artists were given the opportunity to get acquainted with Kalbajar’s nature on-site and to see its picturesque landscapes firsthand. They also observed the traces of atrocities committed by Armenians in these areas, visited the looted and devastated homesteads, and interacted with local residents who have come to the district for agricultural purposes. The painters and sculptors took advantage of the opportunity to sketch nature directly from life, creating drawings on paper and canvas, and conducted photo and video shoots.

During their visit, the creative group members toured Kalbajar city, visited the ancient Albanian temple of Khudavang Monastery, and explored the area around the Sarsang Reservoir. They noted that the trip was productive and beneficial.

It should be noted that in line with the implementation of paragraph 3.1.2 of the Action Plan of the First State Program on the Great Return, the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons is organizing infotours to Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur with the participation of various creative professionals.


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