Victor Soghomonyan's Warsaw 21 series is included in top five of best Russian detective series

The Russian Kinoafisha specialized publication included Victor Soghomonyan's Warsaw 21 TV series in the top five Russian detective series of various years.
"A luxurious intellectual spy thriller about how a Russian diplomat should prevent an impending international scandal," writes the author of the publication Ekaterina Solovyova in the description of the 12-part movie, which was released on the Okko platform on June 10.
Victor Soghomonyan holds a PhD in political science, is professor of MGIMO University and has held political posts in Armenia. He is also a media manager, one of the founders of Alpha Media House (Alphanews.am website and "Работает Альфа" telegram channel).
Warsaw 21 is Soghomonyan's third TV series shot in Russia.
The director-producer of the series is Feliks Gerchikov, the cinematographer is Anton Kostromin, the production designer is Vasily Grozny. The main roles in the series have been played by Dmitry Miller, Dmitry Kulichkov, Valeriya Shkirando, Konstantin Kryukov, Sergey Yushkevich, Andrei Ilyin, Yuri Baturin, Nikolai Kozak, Anatoliy Kotenev, Yury Belyayev, Sergei Guriev and others.

