Armenia FM, Estonia legislature chair exchange views on EU partnership agenda (PHOTOS)

Within the framework of the working visit Estonia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Ararat Mirzoyan, met with the speaker of the Estonian Riigikogu (parliament), Lauri Hussar.
The interlocutors discussed matters on the bilateral agenda, as well as regional developments, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia informs Armenian News-NEWS.am.
"Relations between our two countries, peoples are based on historical ties, friendship, appreciation of fundamental principles, and in the current period full of challenges, the further deepening of these ties is more than important," emphasized the Armenian FM.
It was noted with satisfaction on both sides that the dynamics of high-level mutual visits between Armenia and Estonia are evidence of expanding relations, including in terms of parliamentary diplomacy. In this context, the active interaction of friendship groups in both parliaments was highlighted.
The FM presented the process of democratic reforms in Armenia, the recorded successes, and thanked Estonia for the assistance shown on that path.
"Citizens of Armenia have made their choice, and the government is determined to continue the reforms, including in close cooperation with like-minded partners," added Mirzoyan.
The FM of Armenia and the speaker of the parliament of Estonia exchanged views also on the agenda of Armenia-EU partnership as well as on the steps being taken and the expectations towards deepening of relations, taking into account the European aspirations of the Armenian citizens.
The interlocutors reflected also on regional security issues. In this connection, FM Mirzoyan briefed his interlocutor on the process of normalization of relations with Armenia’s neighbors, including the importance of concluding a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

