Azerbaijani Organization of War, Labor Veterans reveres nation's Armed Forces Day (PHOTO)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 26. An event dedicated
to the Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan has been held at the
administrative building of the Organization of War, Labor, and
Armed Forces Veterans, Trend reports.
The event was attended by veterans, youth, public and political
figures, and representatives of civil society.
Deputy Chairman of the Organization of War, Labor, and Armed
Forces Veterans, Colonel Jalil Khalilov declared the event
Azerbaijan's national song was played, and a minute of silence
was observed in commemoration of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and
the martyrs who died for independence and territorial
On the occasion of Armed Forces Day, Khalilov addressed the
audience and discussed the evolution of the armed forces.
He pointed out that the heroism shown by the Azerbaijani Army in
the 2020 Second Karabakh War will be remembered with admiration and
respect for centuries to come.
Head of the NGO Work Sector of the Department for Work and
Communications with NGOs of the Presidential Administration of
Azerbaijan Tural Aliyev, Chairperson of the Modern Development and
Family" Public Association Zarifa Guliyeva, Director of SOS
(Security Operation Services) LLC, Colonel Anar Mammadov,
Lieutenant Colonel of the Presidential Security Service of
Azerbaijan Khagani Seyidov, and Second Karabakh War participant
Mahmur Karimov, in their speeches, briefed on the growing strength
and professionalism of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces and the
significant steps taken by the victorious Supreme
Commander-in-Chief towards army building.
Chairperson of the Organization of War, Labor, and Armed Forces
Veterans Fatma Sattarova congratulated everyone on the holiday and
highlighted that the Azerbaijani people will continue to achieve
great success under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

At the end of the event, soloists from the Army Ideological and
Cultural Center, named after Hazi Aslanov of the Ministry of
Defense, performed patriotic songs.
To note, June 26, 1918, is the 106th anniversary of the
formation of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. On June 26, 1918, the
first regular military unit - the Separate Azerbaijani Corps - was
established by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
Meanwhile, the "Declaration of Independence" adopted on May 28
of the same year noted that Azerbaijan should have a regular army,
create its Armed Forces to protect itself from external
interference, and neutralize the internal forces of the enemy. The
government was assigned the task of creating an army of 25,000 men.
The Military Ministry of Azerbaijan was established on August 1,
and Khosrov bey Sultanov was appointed as the first Minister of
The first military parade in Azerbaijan was held in 1919 in
Baku, on the territory of the current Museum Center. In a short
time, the National Army, together with the Caucasian Islamic Army,
managed to liberate Baku and its surroundings from the
Armenian-Bolshevik occupation. After the Soviet occupation of
Azerbaijan in 1920, the Military Ministry was abolished, and 15
generals of the Azerbaijani Army were shot by the Bolsheviks.
Following the restoration of state independence in 1991, a
decision was made to establish the Azerbaijani Army. According to
the decree of National Leader Heydar Aliyev dated May 22, 1998, the
date "June 26" was declared the Day of the Armed Forces of
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