ICESCO committed to fostering partnership with Azerbaijan [PHOTOS]

By Youth for Youth International Forum is underway in Shusha, Azernews reports.

State officials, high-ranking officials of international organisations and various countries, guests, and about 200 people from ICESCO member countries participate in the forum.

The forum discusses the views and experiences of the youth of the Islamic World regarding peacebuilding, sustainable development, culture, and the environment to enable their participation in this field, discuss innovative solutions, and network young leaders.

Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO), Salim M. AlMalik addressed the forum.

In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyeva, and the First Vice President, Mehriban Aliyeva, as well as the Minister of Youth and Sports, Farid Gayibov, for their support in holding the forum.

The ICESCO Director-General emphasised that the organisation intends to expand its partnership with Azerbaijan in the future.

"We will do our best for this. We want to participate in the COP29 event to be held in Azerbaijan this year," he added.

To note, Azerbaijan has been selected as the Presidency of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29), to be hosted in Baku on November 11-22.

The main goal of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) is to attract as much of the private sector as possible to finance measures to combat climate change.

The forum will continue its work on June 26-27 in Baku with panel discussions and presentations with the participation of young people.

Participants from four continents of the world will get acquainted with Azerbaijan's rich multicultural history and culture, as well as higher education institutions.

In his remarks, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Aydin Karimov in Shusha district underlined that young people also participate in the construction works in Shusha.

He also thanked ICESCO Management and the Ministry of Youth and Sports for organising the event.

"Young people actively participate in the construction works in Shusha city. Today, Azerbaijan develops at a fast pace thanks to the energy of young people. Families have started moving in Shusha.. The city is coming back to life. In September, children living in Shusha will go to school. Also, the foundation of Garabagh University was laid in Khankandi," he said.

The forum will continue its work on June 26-27 in Baku with panel discussions and presentations with the participation of young people.


Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @lmntypewriterrr

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