Latvia builds 130 kilometers of fence on border with Russia

About 130 kilometers of fence have been erected on the Latvian-Russian border, which is 46% of the total length of the border, Delfi reported.Construction work continues simultaneously at six sites, and the fence at priority sites is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024, Delfi reported, citing Valsts nekustamie īpašumi (VNĪ) board member Jelena Gavrilova."The construction of the missing fence on the Latvian-Russian border is one of VNĪ's highest priorities, so everything possible is being done to ensure the fastest possible construction pace, and work is being carried out simultaneously in several sections," Gavrilova states, stressing that an average of six kilometers long section is being built per week.Construction works on especially difficult sections of about 28 kilometers and infrastructure construction will last until the end of 2025, Gavrilova said.In total, the Latvian-Russian border is 283.6 kilometers.The eastern border construction project is supervised by the External Border Infrastructure Construction Supervision Committee, which includes various ministries and agencies of the country.

