Baku Initiative Group and 14 movements fighting for independence in last colonies of France issued Statement of support for New Caledonia

The Baku Initiative Group and 14 political movements fighting for independence in the last French colonies - Kanaky (New Caledonia), Maohi Nui (French Polynesia), French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Corsica issued a joint statement, APA reports.

The statement condemned the forceful implementation of the illegal change in favor of the expansion of the electoral mass in Kanaky-New Caledonia by the French government, and expressed full support for the Kanak people in their fair struggle for independence.

The document states that the French government is responsible for the fact that Kanaky is in flames today, including the arrest of about 150 people and the killing of 3 people in recent days: His purposeful desire to expand the electoral electorate in order to put him in a minority in his own land causes the deterioration of the current situation.

The statement calls on France to end its colonial policy and to allow the Kanak people to freely decide their own destiny, and on the international community not to turn a blind eye to this heinous colonial practice that has reduced the Kanak people to a minority.

Those who joined the statement sounded the alarm and called the UN Security Council to condemn the violation of international law by France.

APA presents the full text of the statement:

Statement of Solidarity with the People of Kanaky-New Caledonia

We, as the representatives of organizations from the last French colonies - Kanaky, Maohi Nui, Guyane, Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Corsica, along with the Baku Initiative Group, condemn the French authority's forceful amendments in favor of expanding the electorate which supported by certain French senators and deputies in Kanaky-New Caledonia.

As a consequence of the persistent efforts of the French authority, based on the French colonialist doctrine that denies the right to self-determination of peoples under its control, the people of Kanaky finds themselves engulfed in flames today. Over the past few days, there has been a resurgence of civil war, including about 150 arrested civilians and 3 losses of lives in Kanaky. Many shops are on fire, the streets left empty, and some roads have been blocked by burning cars.

The furious will of the French state, the so-called "country of human rights” which violates the people of the Kanaky’s inalienable right to self-determination by expanding the electorate illegally in order to marginalize Kanaks in their own country, caused the degradation of the current situation.

We express our full solidarity with the people of Kanaky and support their fair struggle against the expansion of the electorate as well as demand the cancel of the proposed amendments from the French authority.

Supporting Kanaky-New Caledonia until its independence is an obligation under international law and supporting documents of international organizations, particularly UN Resolution 1514, concerning the right of peoples to self-determination. Therefore, all current demonstrations of the People of Kanaky and supporters of independence are legitimate.

We call on France to stop its neo-colonial policy and insure the people of Kanaky freedom to determine its own destiny!

We also call on the international community not to turn a blind eye to this disgraceful neo-colonial practice that leads to the marginalization of the people of Kanaky!

We call on the UN member states to raise the alarm with the UN Security Council so that this esteemed institution to convene and condemn France's gross violation of international law!

Statement authors:

Baku Initiative Group

Kanaky-Nouvelle Caledonie

FLNKS : Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste

MJKF : Mouvement Des Jeunes Kanak en France

Maohi Nui-Polynésie Française

Tāvini Huiraʻatira


MDES : Mouvement de Décolonisation et d'Emancipation Sociale


PALIMA : Parti pour la Libération de la Martinique


ANG : Alyans Nasyonal Gwadloup

CIPPA : Comité d'initiative pour un projet alternatif

FKNG : Fòs pou konstwi nasyon Gwadloup

KSG : Kolèktif pou sové Gwadloup

MIR : Mouvement International pour les Réparations

UPLG : Union Populaire pour la Libération de la Guadeloupe

CIPN : Comité International des Peuples Noirs



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