Deputy Minister: This year mutual trade between Azerbaijan, Bulgaria rose fourfold

"15 Bulgarian companies operate in Azerbaijan," Sahib Mammadov, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan said at the Azerbaijan-Bulgaria business forum, APA-Economics reports.

He underlined the development of strategic relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria: "Our relations refer to the joint declaration signed in 2015. 65 documents have been signed between our countries. Cooperation between the countries goes beyond traditional trade and investment activities. Bulgaria and Azerbaijan jointly participated in two twinning projects of the European Union with a total cost of 2.1 million euros. This demonstrates our commitment to cooperation and partnership in various directions."

The deputy minister emphasized that in the first quarter of 2024 alone, mutual trade increased by four times to 153 million US dollars: "And our exports increased more than four times annually and amounted to 146 million US dollars. Bulgaria is currently among the TOP10 export markets of Azerbaijan."

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