Baku says direct talks with Yerevan aimed at ensuring lasting peace in South Caucasus

Bilateral and direct peace talks advocated by Azerbaijan are aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the South Caucasus, said Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov.

Minister Bayramov made the remarks while speaking at the 3rd session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asian countries and the Republic of Azerbaijan in Done on Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry’s press service told News.Az.

At the session, the top diplomat also provided detailed information about the post-conflict situation in the region, the ongoing large-scale restoration and construction work in the liberated Azerbaijani territories, the continued landmine threat in these territories, as well as the Baku-Yerevan normalization process.

He stated that the bilateral and direct peace talks supported by Azerbaijan, which are aimed at ensuring lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus, proved to be the most effective and successful line in terms of achieving mutually acceptable results.


