Azerbaijan's Speaker sends condolences to Turkish Speaker on terrorist attack in Ankara

Speaker of Azerbaijan's Milli Mejlis Sahiba Gafarova has expressed condolences to Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Numan Kurtulmuş in connexion with the terrorist attack committed in Ankara, Press and Public Relations Department of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis told News.Az.

In her letter addressed to the GNAT Head, the Speaker expresses grave concerns about the news of the loss of life in the terrorist attack levelled at the Turkish Aerospace Company and condemns the attach categorically.

The Speaker of the Parliament sends her deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the assault as well as to the fraternal nation of Türkiye, on her behalf and on behalf of the Members of the Milli Majlis and wishes those injured quick recovery.


