Azerbaijan significantly increases fines for littering tobacco product waste into the environment

The fine for littering tobacco product waste into the environment is being significantly increased, APA reports.

This was reflected in the proposed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan discussed at today's Milli Majlis session.

The amount of the fine for littering tobacco product waste into the environment is increased from 50 AZN to 300 AZN. At the same time, a fine of 700 AZN will be imposed for the repetition of the specified offense within one year from the date of entry into force of the administrative sanction by the person who received the administrative sanction, or 60 to 100 hours of community service will be imposed, depending on the circumstances of the case, taking into account the identity of the offender.

A fine ranging from 300 to 5000 AZN will be imposed for dumping household waste in unauthorized areas.

The draft law was put to a vote and adopted in the third reading.

