Weekly horoscope for October 20-26, 2024

The weekly horoscope offers guidance on how to use astrology to navigate the coming week as well as insight into what the planets have in store for the coming week, News.Azreports citingforeign media.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):

This week is going to be a little better for your health than usual. It will be especially good at the start of the week because your mind and body will be in good shape. But during this time, you shouldn't drink booze while having fun or at a party because your health could get worse. Since Jupiter is in the second house from your moon sign, this week will be better than usual for you when it comes to money. Saturn is in the seventh house from your moon sign right now, which means that people born under this sign who have jobs will not only get promoted based on their work but there is also a chance that many of them will get paid more. In this case, make the most of this great time by continuing to work hard to make money every chance you get. Love, unity, and bonds between family members may grow this week. Also, the family will get good news in the form of an email or text message. because of this, you will be seen laughing with your whole family. People often get cocky about their skills, which makes them take on more work than they can handle. This week, you will also be seen doing something like that. Because of this, you might get stuck in all of your tasks instead of just one. Unfortunately, you might not get the grades you wanted on the test this week, even though you worked twice as hard as before. The way people see you at home could also get worse because of this.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Number: 9

Taurus (Apr 21–May 20):

Taking positive steps, you will need to clear your view of the fog that is surrounding you this week. Because you need to understand that this dust is getting in the way of your growth. Now is the time to leave it behind and do something good. With Ketu in the fifth house from your moon sign, you can't say that your financial situation is good this week. You will have a lot of problems with money all week. During this time, you won't be able to save either, which will add to your mental stress. This week, you will put in extra work to keep the peace in your family and get along better with everyone. However, you will not get the help you need from the members. So, right now is the time to talk about this problem with someone who has experience. You will see all the people at work who were getting in the way of your success fall right in front of your eyes. This will boost your mood and boost your confidence at the same time. Jupiter is in the first house from your moon sign, which means you will be able to get everything done faster than we thought possible. This week is going to be great for kids. Because now is the time to see the results of your hard work, and many planets are helping you to do well on all of your tests.
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Number: 6

Gemini (May 21–Jun 21):

For the most out of your good health this week, you will need to make the most of your extra energy since Rahu is in the tenth house from your Moon sign. You might waste your energy if you use it in the wrong way. So, spend time with your family and friends or play a game with them to get some good exercise and use your energy well. You also know very well that you need to warn yourself to your financial situation before it gets worse and start saving money. You won't be seen doing this this week, even after you understand this. In the next few months, you will have a lot of money worries because Jupiter is in the twelfth house from your Moon sign. You will get help this week to get along better with the younger people in the house. Because of this, you will try to bring your family along to show how kind you are. You can also plan a family trip or lunch for this. This week, you'll be able to finish all of your unfinished work on time. As a result, people born under this sign have a good chance of getting a promotion, a pay raise, or a higher post at work. This week, a lot of students will have trouble understanding some of their classes. But they will be able to get past their problems and do well in those classes as well. This is the time when they will have to keep working hard and staying alert to reach their goal.
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Number: 3

Cancer (Jun 22–Jul 22):

You can have a good week by noticing and celebrating the successes of others. To do this, you shouldn't be jealous and should always try to lift other people up. Jupiter is in the eleventh house from your Moon sign, which means you will have good luck with money this week. But if you need to invest, look at the facts first. If you don't, your money could get into trouble. You can buy a new home for your family this week because Rahu is in the ninth house from your Moon sign. You can also decide to make your old home look better and easier to use. In this case, you will also spend some of your money on making the house look nicer. This won't hurt your finances, though. Instead, it will help you earn the respect of your family. Things that are going up and down in your daily life might be making you antsy. Your personality might get a little cranky because of this, which will hurt your job because you won't be able to concentrate on any work. Because of this, you will have a lot of problems in the future. After seeing other students' gadgets, a lot of students may feel like they don't have any of their own. Because of this, you will see them this week asking their families for a new smartphone or laptop. They shouldn't forget, though, that your parents are already working hard to give you the best education, and this demand of yours could make things even harder for them by overspending.
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Number: 2

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):

Since Rahu is in the eighth house from your moon sign, you will have to put in extra work and energy this week to meet a lot of important people in society. During this time, though, you need to realize that taking care of your health is more important than making more friends. So, be smart about how you spend your energy and make your health better. The fact that Jupiter is in the tenth house from your moon sign means that your finances will get a lot better this week. We are telling you this now because it is the best time to save your money. In this period, you might also have to make some big choices that will help your finances. So, do not be in a hurry when making a choice. Instead, be patient and show the greatest wisdom when making a choice. This week, there's a good chance that love, unity, and family bonds will grow. Furthermore, a message or email will bring good news for the family. because of which your whole family will be seen laughing. This week, you will be able to handle more work, which will allow you to think of new ways to improve your business. Your family and workers will back your choice, which will boost your confidence and make you appear to work twice as fast. Students need to eat well this week to stay healthy. If you are sick, it's possible that your schooling will not go as quickly as it should. When this happens, you will have a lot of problems, so don't ignore your health right away.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Lucky Number: 1

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):

Since Ketu is in the first house from your Moon sign, you will need to clear your mind and see clearly this week. Because you need to understand that this dust is getting in the way of your growth. Now is the time to leave it behind and do something good. Anyone born under this sign should stay away from money risks this week since Jupiter is in the ninth house from your Moon sign. Because you are likely to get money from a lot of different places at this time. But before you spend money now, you should make sure you are ready for everything. This week, you can get a lot of help with problems that keep you from spending time with your family because of work or school. Also, based on how well you speak, you will be able to win over people during this time and bring peace and unity to the world by removing all disagreements from their minds. The people who are against you this week will not be able to hurt you no matter how hard they try. So, your standing at work will rise even more, and because you work hard and are efficient, you will be seen gaining momentum of success and being able to make the best of every bad situation. Because you worked hard in the past, this week your efforts will pay off, and your friends will praise you. Not only will your family respect you at this point, but your teachers will also really like you. But right now, don't let your ego get in the way. If it does, your success could lead to problems.
Lucky Colour: Brown
Lucky Number: 8

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):

Rahu is in the sixth house from your moon sign, which means that your health will get better this week. Playing sports and doing things outside will help you get your energy back and live a better life with the same amount of energy. You might have to spend a lot of money this week on the health of a family member because Ketu is in the twelfth house from your moon sign. which could make your cash situation worse. That being said, this will raise your standing in the family and help you get along better with other family members. This week, people will be amazed at how smart you are. Since you are a nice person, you will also be able to bring someone of the opposite sex to your house this week. In terms of your job, the start of the week is going to be very helpful. Do not do this until you get permission from your folks. This is the start of an important journey in your life. If you don't, they can later say no and make you look bad in front of other people. According to your weekly horoscope, this is a great time for kids who want to go to college. Because you will get help with every subject during this time, which will let you make a big choice about your future.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Number: 7

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):

Since Rahu is in the fifth house from your moon sign, your immune system will be very weak right now. If you need to, take the medicine you need to avoid getting sick. But you also shouldn't try to fix every problem yourself at home. Jupiter is in the seventh house from your moon sign, which means that this week will be very good for your zodiac sign when it comes to money. In this case, don't allow your efforts to slip even a little during this time, because the planets are in a good position that can give you great chances to make more money. This week, your partner will help you keep the peace in the family, and he will also be the most helpful person for you in this. On top of that, you might get a nice gift from family and friends out of the blue. You'll have good luck this week if you look at most of the planets. Because of this, you will be able to face challenges and problems in your work that have never been seen before and still make progress. Students who want to go to college will have a great time during the middle part of the week. You'll have more luck at this time because the planets are in a good place for you.
Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Number: 4

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):

This week, you can get rid of all the problems you've had with your face and throat because Rahu is in the fourth house from your moon sign. To do this, though, you should not drink too much cold water and should only eat home-cooked meals and fresh veggies. To keep your face from getting sick, you can also drink a lot of water. This week, it will be easy for you to buy things you need for the house because your finances will be better. Because of this, your family will be pleased with you, and they will also push you to do better. This week, you'll want to make some changes around the house. But before you make any changes or decisions about the house, you should really know what other people think. If you don't, you might get feedback that isn't helpful, even if you don't want it. At this point, you may be given more duties at work right from the start. Saturn is in the third house from your moon sign, which means your job will move forward. However, the extra work and responsibility can make you feel stressed. While this is going on, try to stay calm and avoid any kind of worry. Students born under your sign should be careful about their health this week. Also, to stay healthy, you should eat a varied diet every once in a while and make changes to the way you do things every day. Since you might not be able to learn as quickly as you'd like to because of your health, you might have to deal with the effects of this on any future tests.
Lucky Colour: Purple
Lucky Number: 5

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 21):

When it comes to health, this week will be good. You will have a lot of small problems, but you won't get any big illnesses, and your body will be healthier than it was before. This week, it will be easy for you to get money because Jupiter is in the fifth house from your moon sign. Because this is the time to pay back the loans you gave to other people in the past. Rahu is in the third house from your moon sign, which means you might be able to make some money to put into a new project you want to start. Anything you're keeping from a family member could come out this week, which will make you feel very embarrassed. This will also make the people think less of you. This week, you can be in charge of more than one job, which will make you feel like you have more work to do. In addition to making you feel more stressed, this will make you feel like you can't finish any job on time. This week, people born under this sign should not argue with their teachers. Otherwise, there's a good chance that your picture will be harmed. So, be very careful about the words and phrases you use when you talk to them.
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue
Lucky Number: 10

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):

This week, older people born under your sign need to pay extra attention to their health because Ketu is in the eighth house from your Moon sign. To do this, walk around in the park for 30 minutes in the morning and evening, and stay away from dusty areas as much as possible. During this time, your finances will get better. Because Rahu is in the second house from your Moon sign, you will not only make money from any old investments, but you will also be able to pay back any loans you took out. Even so, you will have to work harder at first to make more money, so don't be satisfied with just having money. People will like you more in places where people get together to socialize because you're funny. Because of this, people will value you more, and you will be able to get the attention of many important people. Right now, you need to keep your cool and work toward your goals without bragging. When this happens, remember not to blindly believe anyone and not to show your cards to everyone until you've won. There may be a lot of changes in how students act this week, which could lead to fights between students born under this sign and their teachers. But they should try to avoid a fight like that because if they do, your reputation could be hurt by other teachers and students. Because of this, you will not be able to get their help or work with them in the future.
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Lucky Number: 11

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

People who didn't take care of health problems like indigestion, joint pain, headaches, etc. last week will realize how important it is to live a healthy life this week and will do everything they can to make it better. Your friends and family will be proud of your hard work and can also support you. In this week, you will have a lot of chances to make money because Saturn is in the twelfth house from your Moon sign. You will have to work hard and be dedicated to these chances. So, instead of putting your savings into investments without thinking about them, you should put them into a good plan the right way. This week, the fights you have with your younger family members will make you mad. Because of this, it can make you feel more stressed and cause distance in your relationships with them. According to your career horoscope, this week will be very important for you if you work in a professional area and have a good job. This is because Jupiter is in the third house from your Moon sign. Because you are likely to have a lot of chances to move up in your field right now. This week, a lot of students will have a lot of free time that they can use to learn more. Do not waste your free time by sleeping or having fun with friends. Instead, read a book or sign up for a course to make good use of your time.
Lucky Colour: Sea Green
Lucky Number: 12


