Kazakhstan Urges Bulgaria to Utilize Potential of Trans-Caspian Transport Route

Bulgaria, like Kazakhstan, plays an important transit role in the growing trade between the EU, Central Asia, and China.
In his speech at the forum “Transport Connection between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria, on July 10 in Sofia organized by the Embassy of Kazakhstan to Bulgaria, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Bulgaria Viktor Temirbayev emphasized the need for both countries to intensify cooperation in transport and transit by focusing on the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR).
Addressing representatives of Bulgarian transport companies, Ambassador Temirbayev highlighted the fact that Kazakhstan’s location in the center of the Eurasian continent creates favorable conditions for using its transport network for transcontinental routes connecting East and West, as well as North and South.
Forum participants were briefed on ongoing efforts by Kazakhstan’s government to increase cargo transportation along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, as well as the development of a new automobile route for cargo transportation through Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey and on to EU countries through Bulgaria and Romania.
In support,  Yassen Ishev, Chairman of Bulgaria’s Scientific and Technical Union of Transport (STUT), stressed the importance of increasing cooperation in transport and logistics and in particular, establishing direct business contacts between the two countries’ transport companies.

