Kyrgyzstan Parliamentarian in Brawl with Security Guard

In Bishkek, Chyngyz Azhibayev, a deputy of the Kyrgyz Republic’s Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), almost ran over an employee of the Asia Mall shopping and entertainment center, after which he got into a fight with him, has reported. The incident occurred on June 21, but has only just been acknowledged.
According to a source in law enforcement agencies, at about 3PM, whilst driving his car out of the shopping mall’s parking lot, Azhibayev narrowly avoided hitting a security guard. The deputy then reacted aggressively to the security guard’s remarks, exited his vehicle, and proceeded to start a fight with him. The pair were separated by bystanders, but the deputy then called the police and filed a complaint against the guard.
The press service of the Leninsky district police department said that the call came in at 15:50. Law enforcement officers who arrived on the scene took Azhibayev’s statement, which he later withdrew, meaning the case was terminated.

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