Media: Turkey expressed displeasure to Iran and intends to "shoot" in case of arms supplies to Kurds

Having reached an agreement with Iraq to "jointly fight the PKK and establish joint operational cooperation," Turkey is establishing cooperation with two other countries where the terrorist organization is present, Turkish media reported.Turkey and Iran held a meeting last week in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Turkish Foreign Ministry and security forces. Turkish officials told the Iranian side at the meeting, "Stop sending weapons to the PKK."
Turkey's diplomacy with neighboring countries has taken another step forward in the fight against terrorism. Cooperation with Iraq in the fight against the PKK terrorist organization has yielded results. The Iraqi side announced that an agreement has been reached on establishing a joint operation center and establishing 27 police stations on the Turkish borders in the provinces of Duhok - Erbil. It became known that the operational center will be located in the area between Haftanin and Zapom. After Iraq, diplomatic negotiations against the PKK also began with Iran.Turkish media reported that they disclosed information about the US and Iranian supply of drones and missiles to the PKK and announced that an "order to shoot" had been given if a new shipment arrived. There has been a new development on the Iranian side of the issue. Turkey demanded from Iran not to supply arms to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) banned in the country and not to interfere in Ankara's military operation against armed Kurdish formations.
Iran has been asked to stop supplying the PKK and offered cooperation in fighting the terrorist organization. Iranian officials stated that they had not sent any supplies to the PKK. Turkish officials then presented the Iranians with photographs of the cargo. The Iranian side refuted the arguments and said that the cargo had nothing to do with them. This time, the Iranian authorities were explicitly told that if a new shipment appeared, it would be shot down.Turkey, after confirming with documents that Iran has repeatedly transferred terrorists in the border region to Turkish territory, demanded Iran to abandon these transfers. The final issue raised by Turkey was "not to contaminate the territory of the operation." Iranian officials were told that they should refrain from any interference in Turkey's operation against the PKK.

