James O'Brien highlights COP29 as crucial for advancing climate change initiatives

James O'Brien, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, emphasized during a briefing in Baku that COP29 presents a significant opportunity to advance crucial climate change initiatives, Azernews reports.

"We discussed Azerbaijan's chairmanship of COP29. The US strongly supported Azerbaijan's pivotal role in this agreement, offering extensive advice and technical support. Climate change remains a paramount global challenge, and this meeting represents a critical moment to achieve tangible advancements, particularly in transitioning to renewable energy sources and mitigating climate impacts. We are encouraged by Azerbaijan's strides in addressing these critical issues," he remarked.

It should be noted that COP29, or the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, is a global summit where countries come together to address climate change challenges. It aims to advance initiatives like renewable energy adoption and climate impact mitigation.


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