EDB comments on potential threat of Afghan Kosh-Tepa canal that will take water from Central Asian rivers

AKIPRESS.COM - The issues of the regional water balance, provoked by the construction of the Kosh-Tepa canal, must be resolved together, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank Nikolay Podguzov said at a forum in Almaty on June 27.
He noted that the EDB pays attention to projects that affect the water balance of the region.
According to experts, the Kosh-Tepa canal being built in Afghanistan will take 10 cubic kilometers per year from the rivers, in particular the Amu Darya River.
A decrease in water in the Amu Darya will inevitably lead to an increase in water withdrawal for agricultural and other needs from the Syr Darya, Secretary of the Security Council of Kyrgyzstan Marat Imankulov said. A number of analysts believe that in this case, Central Asia will enter a phase of chronic water shortage.
The EDB noted that Afghanistan is not a member of the bank, and the construction of the canal is a project that the state is implementing on its territory.
"Issues of communications through diplomatic channels are carried out by states among themselves. But we need to solve the problem together. I believe that the states will come to an agreement together. Our proposal is to resolve all issues together," N. Podguzov said.
Analysts believe that the situation may be resolved through the development of digital water accounting, water conservation and the careful usage of the resources available in the region today.

